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My 2013 DIY Public Land Whitetail

Joe Hulburt

Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
Oregon Coast
Decided to make the trip to Idaho for another crack at an elusive wallhanger Mnt Whitetail last week. My son killed one last year that I would have had mounted but it was his turn to shoot. :eek:

I can't think of much I would be more excited to kill than a giant free ranging Mountain Whitetail but I am not one to pass on a solid 8 point ( I love saying that:D) buck so this guy got to come home with me. Can't get over how big bodied these deer are compared to my local Columbia Blacktails I have hunted all my life.

Fun times with a good buddy who killed his first ever Whitetail.

Decided to leave my trusty old 30-30 home for this trip and tried out my sons 7mm/08 since I recently bought him a Leupold CDS scope and I have been playing around with it a lot. In the end the buck took a shot in the chest straight on at 100 yards with a doe on each side..

We purchased wolf tags and although tracks were everywhere it was tough conditions with super crunchy snow in most places so we gave up pretty quick on them. Big dogs!
Great buck! Good job. What's up with his nose? Is that from the fall or was it already injured?
Very nice buck! Are those whitetails impacted much by the wolves?

I would have to say yes but I am not much of an expert on that country or what goes on. I killed this wolf in 2011 while it was feeding on a dandy 10 point.

This is the buck she was finishing up when I spotted her.

Great buck! Good job. What's up with his nose? Is that from the fall or was it already injured?

I think one of three things...

1) It got split open in a fight with another buck. His ribs were bruised up purple in several spots so I tend to think this is what happened.

2) Wolf tried to eat him head first!

3) Somebody tried and uphill head/neck shot a few weeks ago and split his nose.
nice buck, crazy looking nose on him that looks like it hurt, nice looking euro mount and wolf.
I skinned his head for a Euro mount before dinner and noticed his molars are worn to the gums. That and the battle scars made me wonder how dinner would be..... Well it's official, he's the best eating game animal I have ever eaten. I've killed around 40 blacktails and a handful of mule deer and I'm convinced whitetails take the cake. Even the beat up old guys! Of course if I was eating Pronghorn dinner tonight I might say the same thing but it's been a couple years so the memory is fading.
I would definitely agree with you that your buck qualifies as 'solid.' It looks like that part of Idaho has been very good to you with both the deer and wolf, congratulations!
Nice buck. That pic of you and the wolf is great! Don't see any wolves in Nevada, I love to take a picture of one with my .30-06 one day!
Idaho whitetail is one of those hunts I keep saying I need to do, but lack of time gets in the way. Nice buck.
In Idaho, even though we talk about whitetails we still use western count. Growing up the only people I ever heard count all the tines were eastern transplants. In Idaho your buck is a 4 pt, had it had another point on one side it would have been a 4x5. Even though on mulies we don't count the brow tines we do on whitetails.

Either way, great buck.
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