Caribou Gear Tarp

My 2010 lope

The Hedgehog

Well-known member
Dec 19, 2000
I've decided this one is going to get it this year. What are the estimates on size, other than really awesome? :D






Id say each of those testy's is a little bigger than a tennis ball. Very symmetrical too. Horns not bad either. Nice!
Hope some experts throw out a few guesses here. So if i can see if i am decently close and hopefully improving. Especially since i am leaving for an archery antelope hunt in Nevada on friday. That goats looks like a big bodied mature lope to me, horn height looks double his ear which i am guessing close to 6 3/4 or larger with his size. Looks very symmetrical, right side probably a little longer and left prong maybe alittle longer, but don't think they are real far off. I need a picture of the other ones you shot to compare it ... So these are the numbers i am coming up with;

length 15 2/8

base 7 1/8

2nd 7 4/8

3rd 3 4/8

4th 2 4/8

prg 6 2/8

total 42 1/8 x 2 = 84 1/4

Way to put in the time finding awesome animals !!! Greenhorn.
I am sure you will let us know here soon. take care, Fish
His body is ginormous.

85 inches because BlueYummies and Big Shooter told me the score. They have him saved for someone special.
It appears that buck has put on the 'Freshman 15' this summer. What a fat slob. The only thing missing is a wife beater.

I suck at scoreing lope, but he looks plenty big enough to hang amongst the others you have in your trophy room. Good luck
Is really, really awesome a satisfactory guesstimate. Thats a great buck, great mass and awesome curl. Looks like you found another good'un.
You just jinxed the hell out of yourself Kurt.
He'll be roadkill within the week now.
Love the typical big heart shaped look. Awesome buck, will look really good on the wall!
good luck.
No way around that buck being a stud. I think his length is easy to underestimate because of his curves.

I'll try:

Length: 16 2/8

Base: 7 2/8

2nd: 7 6/8

3rd: 3 4/8

4th: 2 6/8

Prong: 6 0/8

Total: 86 Gross . . . . = what's that, about a half inch bigger than last year's?
No idea on a score, but I've got to think he made a mistake letting you see him. How many days does he have left on death row?

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