Caribou Gear

MT Upland Bird Opener Mixed bag


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Glasgow, Montana
I knew it would be hot so the dog and I left the ranch house early to get to the area I scouted. Both of my hunting buddies wimped out and stayed in bed. I parked the pick up and started to walk.

I hadn't walked 10 steps and Jess flushed a big sage hen. I don't normally take sage hens but the flush was just too perfect and just as I scored the first bird another flushed and I had filled my daily limit of Sage hens.

I let two more birds goes and continued on my way knowing there were sharptail in the area. After another 1/2 hour Jess flushed the first sharptail and I only got one of about 15 :mad: :rolleyes:

We were working toward a small stock pond and got a late flushing sharp tail. Great two sage and two sharpies and It wasn't even 8:30 am yet. We worked our way around the pothole and bumped a flock of Sharptails and I filled my limit of 4 by taking 2 more out of this flock. Two limits and on the way back to the pickup we scratched out one hun. It was a great way to start the season.


Jess and the birds he flushed and retrieved.


I never saw another hunter and never heard another shotgun. It was a great morning and we beat the heat for sure as we were back to the ranch by 10:00 and enjoyed a great meal with the family.

Sounds like one of those days you don't want to limit out on too early.

Nice work.

Wish my opening day of bird hunting would have been as good. Half dozen doves must equal about 1 hun right? :D
NICE!!! Took my 1 year old chessie out for Mountain grouse. Horrible display on my part. Took two blues and one ruff but missed seven in the process. Dog was giving me that " What the F@#)" look after the first couple misses. I told her I really did know what i was doing and to keep doing her job. I finally did knock one down. Nothing prettier than a smiling dog with bird feathers all over their face.
Next time I will remember to bring my camera.
Nice work on the "chickens". Looks like your hot weather weekend hunt was quite a bit more successful than mine. Pup looks tired, but happy.
Way to go Nemont. Our season here in ND opens this weekend but I will have to wait until the oldest boy's first football game is over before heading out. Hope I can get into half of what you did.
Nice. We have to wait until mid sept here in Idaho for the huns, chuckars and sage hens. Sharpies start the first of Oct. Doves and forest grouse is all for now. Great job.
That's real neat, what do those birds weigh???? Do they eat like Pheasant? John

They don't eat like pheasant. The Sagehens are a couple of pounds. One was about 25% larger then the other. My mother in law took them and cooked them up that night, she is from the older generation who will eat about anything:D . Not my favorite meal but can tough it out.

The sharptail are along smaller, I can eat them. I like them grilled after they have soaked in a southwest chipolte marinade.

Huns are good eats it just takes about 8 of them to make a meal.

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