MT Speed goat down


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Eastern Washington
Went over to Montana for the weekend to chase antelope with a good friend of mine. I didn't have a tag, but did have a lot of fun. We tried everything, sitting on water, sneaking ect. We even tried the be the decoy.
Was a lot of fun, but couldn't seem to close the last 30 or 40 yards that we needed to. Sat on a water hole for what seemed like forever and decided to work to the top of the hill to see if any goats were making there way to us. As we crested the top of the hill I spotted an antelope back about 150 yards out. He was working right toward us. We backed off and moved about 50 yards down the ridge to ensure the wind was right. We got up behind the only tree on the ridge, and 10 seconds later a buck walked into view. Of course they are on the oppisite side of the tree than we guessed and I am right in the way for him to shoot. I fall back a step to give him an opening. Now 4 more bucks walk into view. The lead buck starts walking to us again, he draws his bow, I hit him with the range finder, 34 yards. The arrow finds its mark and we have a goat.
Gut him quick and stick him on my pack, and hussle for the ice chests. A ton of fun.
Congrats on the success! I enjoyed the story and the first two pics. The third one isn't a good pic though (coagulated blood, gut pile and the antelope in a disrespectful pose). I'd police your pics a little better before posting them next time. Both hunters and NON-hunters will enjoy your story and pics all that much better.
Awesome nbell!! Congrats on a great trip...I like the blood. :) I get you were just trying to show us how you got him on the pack. Somebody on here has a saying..."Its all about the gutpile". And it is :)
The third picture reminds me of the scene in "YES Man" when they are in the chicken processing plant in Nebraska...Jim Carrey wobbles back and forth then falls over. That was dang funny. Nice job on the story.
Cool beans.

BTW, I don't mind the picture. I mean, who knew, that there are guts and blood inside animals?

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