Caribou Gear

MT Opener:Cold, Wet and Windy


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Glasgow, Montana
What a different opening day we had vs. past openers that were too hot. We awoke to a driving rain that kept us indoors for a couple longer then we planned. Finally the rain let up at about 11 a.m. and we wer able to get into the field. The challenge was that the wind was a steady 15 mph and gusting up to 25 mph. Made the birds very jumpy and once they turned with the wind it was a challenge to put shot on target.

Here is one of the features I love about the prairie, old houses.

We managed 6 sharpies before the kids and the dogs said they had enough. It was still good to be out and hunt with the kids and good friends.


We never saw another hunting party, heard another shotgun or even met anyone along the road that looked they had been hunting. The weather must have kept alot of guys indoors.

I feel your pain, I was in the pop up blind thursday and that was insane! The thing kept folding in on me with the big gusts.
What day was your opener?
Nice job, Nemont. That old house photo is cool...thanks for sharing.
that house is cool, didn't see the pictures before for some reason. I saw a similar house on a big ranch in CA and when i went and walked around inside there was a huge bobcat running around the rafters and I ran room to room trying to get a picture of it. It jumped out a window after a bit of fun:D
Very nice!! Gotta love the old homesteads!!! Doesn't look like the hunting was terrible either... ;) I need to give that country some more attention in the next year or two.
Great looking day, even if the weather didn't cooperate as planned...

But does it ever...

Thanks for the pics... :)

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