Mt 799-20

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Hopefully this little post just gets erased and a fresh start. Everyone can quit with the back and forth bs, and get back to what this site is designed for and move forward and help a guys and gals out that were fortunate enough to draw. Sure seems like a lot more posts anymore turn into this kind of shit then what this site is really designed for. Which is sportsman connecting with other sportsman to share stories, events, concerns, laughs, and maybe a little advice.

Good luck on your hunt oldbig, I can't pass much along besides hunt hard that country is weird it all looks unreal and seems that a guy can always find sign it's just a matter of where are the bulls. One day their right there and the next their five miles over on some private. If you stick with it your bound to run into one that'll make a mistake!
Another great contribution by spazz. If all you can find is an extra "n" in a post that long that my iPhone didn't pick up then good for me I guess. If someone isn't stroking your ego, then all you do is turn on them.

Esracer, good for you as well. Tell me more of the "rules" in this site I don't understand. Heaven forbid someone be sarcastic. It's much better to just be an a$$-hole and act like you make the rules.

This thread keeps getting longer yet none but me has offered to help other than common knowledge stuff.
Someone's feelers are especially sensitive. Would you please just take your ball and go home already?
Another great contribution by spazz. If all you can find is an extra "n" in a post that long that my iPhone didn't pick up then good for me I guess. If someone isn't stroking your ego, then all you do is turn on them.

Esracer, good for you as well. Tell me more of the "rules" in this site I don't understand. Heaven forbid someone be sarcastic. It's much better to just be an a$$-hole and act like you make the rules.

This thread keeps getting longer yet none but me has offered to help other than common knowledge stuff.

You're good enough, smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like you, Stuart. Just PM them. For $500.. that's funny.
Another rule I forgot to read. Bambi is part of the old guard too. We should all have to submit our hunting resumes to you and hope we get approved. Pick me pick me. Bambi, you are another blow hard who loves to be a jerk for no reason. I forgot that you own the site and can be condescending to anyone you like.

He and Spaz are so quick to put people down. Haven't you noticed that I don't care what you think?

I'm not alone. I have 4-5 real good friends who got sick of the 10-12 guys on here who really do think that they are in charge and be damned if you don't agree with everything they say and think. They don't post anymore because they were sick of the mean posts.

"Take your football and go home". What are you, 12?

Rise above people. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Or just continue to be egotistical tools who put people down 10 times to each kind/helpful post.

Read the post Spaz........I said it was a joke.
Turned into a nasty thread. Worst post was offering info for $500.

Will avoid this post for awhile!

No need for anyone to chime in again. It's locked.

A note of information going forward. This year we are entering into an agreement with a guy who runs a lot of forums. He and I have become friends over the last few years. He's given me a lot of good advice on forum management. He will be helping us with forum layout, advertising, and many other ideas that will help improve the forum.

He surfs here often and he has asked why I put up with the adolescent off-season behavior that happens at times. It has caused me to ask myself the same thing. I don't have a good answer, other than thinking we are all adults and will eventually sort it out. Threads like this are helping me conclude that I am probably wrong in that belief. Odds are, I'll be less tolerant as he gets more involved in helping us and threads like this continue to illustrate the amount of headache that is created by the small number of threads/posts that derail like this one has.

Not sure what the hell gets into some of you guys, but I it's long past the time to quit the grade school stuff. If you don't like someone asking for information, no need to post; just move along. You're not required to say anything. What some may think is funny, sixth-grade cute stuff, is getting old, really old. If that is how you have to interact, pack your chit and go elsewhere. I'm over it.
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