
New member
Jul 8, 2003
eagle lake ontario
just took this pic about 1 .5 hours ago.

this is the one i'm after this fall.

took a little sneaking to get this close but man what a deer!

Looks like that dude will be a dandy. Best of luck. Is this public land or private stuff you have access to? When can you start after him with your bow?
Well hes certainly wide and the eyeguards are long too. Looks like he'll be a dandy, good luck keeping an eye on him and hunting him.
sm good luck with getting that one come this Oct. He is going to be a dandy for sure. Always seems that they just vanish into thin air come deer season somehow. Hope you get the shot you'll be dreaming of until your opener. Hope to see some more pics of him. ;)
BEAUTY!! Now if you can just get him in the exact same spot Oct 1 that looks like JUST enough of a window for the bow!! Hit'em Hard & Make'm Bleed!!

well i was out after work this afternoon rebaiting for my bears and while i was out my wife got this pic of mr. big and his little cousin. :D he actually has 4 good points already but you can't make them out in the pic.

anyway here they both are.

by the way all these pics are in the field next to my house which you can see through our kitchen window.

hehehe had to edit post.....i forgot to post the pic. :rolleyes:

wow...thats a good lucking deer....best of luck on him....I hope he stays around also
He is looking to role into a dandy deer...
I really hope you score on this one... :D
With all of this braggin, we had better see a close-up one on one, if you know what I mean!

Go gettem, SM!
Be careful......in every pick he is looking right at you. take care not to pressure him in to moving......