Mountain House meals?


Feb 17, 2012
I was wondering what was yalls thoughts on mountain house meals are they any good. I know they are light on weight and will keep you alive but do they fill you up and do they taste good. If you had a choice and weight isnt much of factor would you eat them.
I would eat them. They are pretty damn tasty. Take some rice to supplement them. The rice can mix well with most their meals and is still light.
Me and my family tried some of the Mountain House meals on a spring camping trip.....I'd heard lots of great reviews about the taste and was actually looking forward to trying them but like anything else taste related I guess it boils down to each person. For my taste the meals weren't that great and kinda' left me feeling hungry and unfilled after eating them. Some of the meals were a lot better than others though so you should try them out even if you know you love the meal....

Best advice I can give would be to try any meals you plan on eating out in the field at home first. Kinda sucks to be out there and still hungry or up farting all night......Weird as it sounds I like cafeteria food so I'm going back to MRE's.

I eat a lot of them every fall. I think most of them are really good, but some I just can't stomach unless I have too. I generally can't eat a whole '2 serving' package by myself. Although I eat all day long, so at dinner time I'm not really starving.

I agree to try some out before you have no choice but to eat it. The thing I find lacking is fiber and vegetables, in most of the meals. After a week in the woods you'll be craving them, or at least I do.

Protein is the recovery drug of my choice... Packets of tuna, chicken, hard cheese and salami/jerky do a heck of a lot more for me during the day than a dinner at night.

I see that our local walmart has a zombie apocalypse isle (freeze dried food and canned rations). They carry gallon cans of about anything you could imagine. I plan on making up some of my own meals with a vac packer. It will be way cheaper in the long run, and probably better for me.
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Well while up in the mountains they will do. Not great but alright. And sense your appetite seems to go away the higher you get they have always been enough for two of us Just my thoughts
Mountain House meals are great! I've been eating them for what seems like 20 years now! We backpack with them, carry them in our packs when hunting and fishing, and on quick trips to the mountains or anywhere else we throw in as many as we need for the day. Everyone I've gotten to try them enjoy them too. And living in Montana, I've alwasy got 10-12 in the toolbox of my truck as part of my survival kit in case of break down or whatever. They are a little pricey, but if you considered how much time and money it would cost to make your own, I believe they are well worth the $$$$!
Make sure to let them sit for an extra few minutes than the package says after you put the water in. They tend to keep expanding in you stomach along with some byproduct air that makes for a lively tent....
Ok, I've never had an MH meal, but maybe I'm missing something: What makes them so great? From what I can tell in the store, they are HUGE. Who has room for those big clumps of dried food in their packs?

What is so good about them that you can't get elsewhere? When I hunt/camp I'll take sealed packets of "sides" like various types of rice, pasta, etc. Take you pick: Target brand, local grocery brand, Knorr, Zatarans', etc. One packet is enough for two people easily. Add a sealed packet of tuna and you're set to go.

I realize that it doesn't have meat or chicken or dessert, and you cannot use ones that require milk rather than water to cook, but I find plenty that taste just fine. Plus they are skinny! You can even open them up and break them up in smaller ziplock baggies if you'd like.

And the best part is they are CHEAP!!! One rice/pasta/whatever side dish packet is usually under $1 on sale. A sealed packet of tuna/chicken is typically under $2 on sale. That's a deal compared to the $$$$ MH meals.

What am I missing?

They're all I eat when hunting in the backcountry.I found a few I like and just eat those.Compared to other freeze dried food, they are the best I've found.I like MRE's more but are too heavy and bulky if packing in
Ok, I've never had an MH meal, but maybe I'm missing something: What makes them so great? From what I can tell in the store, they are HUGE. Who has room for those big clumps of dried food in their packs?

What is so good about them that you can't get elsewhere? When I hunt/camp I'll take sealed packets of "sides" like various types of rice, pasta, etc. Take you pick: Target brand, local grocery brand, Knorr, Zatarans', etc. One packet is enough for two people easily. Add a sealed packet of tuna and you're set to go.

I realize that it doesn't have meat or chicken or dessert, and you cannot use ones that require milk rather than water to cook, but I find plenty that taste just fine. Plus they are skinny! You can even open them up and break them up in smaller ziplock baggies if you'd like.

And the best part is they are CHEAP!!! One rice/pasta/whatever side dish packet is usually under $1 on sale. A sealed packet of tuna/chicken is typically under $2 on sale. That's a deal compared to the $$$$ MH meals.

What am I missing?


Your method is definetly cheaper, but MH meals are convenient. Also, MH does make vacuumed sealed meals now. In the past I would open them before I went hiking/hunting, compress all of the air out of them, and reseal them. Still do if I don't have the newer ones.
So if im hearing right they are fairly good but you need to carry tuna or something to that effect for some flavor . Man im a big meat eater so im gonna have to really sacrifice to go light in the old pack.I do like the zatarans rice and beans seeings how im cajun and all but i need to figure out how to bring something to throw into it cause even those get old after 5 or 6 days i wonder if something like tasso would last and not spoil. If you dont know what tasso is it is a way cajuns smoke their meat usually pork.Do any of yall bring anything like that ? Thanks for yalls input.
I've had some that were great and others I will never buy again. I'd really suggest trying a couple out at home before you're stuck in the backcountry with no other options.
My buddy and I have rocked the 2 serving MH meals for supper on 6, week long hunts over the last several years. They were just fine for us, plenty tasty, filling, etc. Basically no dishes required in basecamp and we used the mountain oven in place of a stove for a backpack/bivy hunt with no problems. The only thing I would recommend straying away from is the chili mac. Way to greasy for us and we aren't picky. One year, we ended up in a pinch and went with the backpackers pantry meals. No problems there either. Good luck!
They are a staple for me come fall. I live off of them when I'm away from home and out in the field. I usually take a bunch into camp, and then ration throughout the trip. I usually leave on in my pack at all times, just in case I need it. I do like emrah's idea as well. IMO they taste good for what you are getting. No it's not a home cooked meal, but they do fill me up when I'm hungry enough. I usually will eat the 2 person by myself at night, and during the day will go on trail mix, and energy bars.
I gave up on MH and started buying bulk from "Thrive" for my taste buds a huge improvement..
I'm a fan of MRE's. # 22 I believe is Jambalaya. and the little tabasco is a deal breaker! Stray away from the vegetarian and omelette IMO. But again i've never had MH. I've stocked up on MRE's over the years being in the military. Gives a good solid poop to! :eek:
I like them.

Beware of the Mtn House log jam after day 5.

Or the cheese from the lasagna with meat sauce. And if you do eat them make sure you are the first one in line on the trail. If you aren't your buddy ate them, prepare to be cropdusted....

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