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Jan 11, 2009
Ok. Sciatica is under control. Hiked a long ways today and thought I could battle through Plantar warts on the ball of my right foot. Ummmm, no. Any fast pain relieving tricks or am I in for a painful elk season? mtmuley
How bad are they? I successfully froze mine off a few years ago. It took a few rounds and a little extra sauce than the packaging called for.
@rtraverdavis has some experience.
Ha. I’m tempted to post picks but this is a family site…

@mtmuley I think it really depends on how big and tenacious the thing is, and where it’s located on your foot. I had one on the ball of my left foot right over the bone that I spring off of to walk. It was mostly okay but would be pretty sore after hiking or on my feet all day, and was really irritating when walking around without shoes on.

Had no idea what it was until a PT I was seeing for another issue identified it. Tried the conventional OTC remedies and they just wouldn’t kill it. Got some nuclear-grade acid from the doc and that wouldn’t do the trick either. Finally had to have it surgically removed, which was way more involved than I anticipated. Surgery finally did the trick but took a while to heal.

If it’s paining you pretty bad you could definitely try freezing or acid, but IMO that’ll lead to more pain for a temporary period—depends how hard you hit it. Personally, I’d keep the callus caused by the plantars wart sanded down low and smooth and just try to get through the season without messing with it until after you kill a bull.

Good luck.
In high school I had them twice. First time was surgery. Not fun, and limped around for too long recovering. Second time we did the acid trick. It took a while but was able to stay active during the process.
Nothing worked other than being sliced off. Gel sole boot inserts seemed to help but still took time to heal up. Fresh bandages several times a day helped.

Walking was like having piece of glass in boot under ball of foot prior to surgery.

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