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More Problems with Montana's Private Firefighters

Well, once again a thread where an exchange of information becomes nothing more than name calling and BS. But at least 280 has brought some humor into it. :D :D
Seems to be the norm...
Elky you are right. Once Elkcheese got involved with the thread, any sharing of information was gone. Just his name calling and attacks.... Seems to be the norm.
Show one on this thread, or look the fool ;)
Who is it really that trashes these threads, they seem to go great when your gone, lots of good info, new people stepping up to the plate to put their two cents into an adult debate. Or does it give you a rush to see threads you start that have a lot of posts behind them? Seems in a fashion to be 'exacly what I do' when I put lots of posts down. But as of late, I have been to busy to really keep things moving, so I have to limit myself to a couple dozen, then back off to live life again...

Of course, I suppose you will come back with a big question mark stating you don't understand any thing that was stated. All well, your loss I would suppose...

The discussion was going fine until you said this:

Here are two individuals that just hammer me all the time about wadeing into things they don't believe I could possibly have any understanding of...HAHAHA!!!

Dragging crap into a good discussion, making it personal, and ruining it for everyone.

Good job.
But Buzz, can it really be a "good discussion" if we don't have ElkCheese's musings, commentary, and intelligent insight???

We all know that his "lying eyes" have seen it all...

Before Elkcheese waded in, this was a topic about the abuse of the Private Contracting/Welfare System in Montana's fire fighting.

"Lets not talk about things we know nothing about, it makes you look stupid"

It is funny that I don't know what I am talking about, and must therefore look stupid, but not a single statement of mine was refuted by Elkcheese, just personal attacks.
michael, Well, why don't you show us how you can improve it by posting a bunch of your half assed caricatures? "This forum sucks" That's pretty ironic coming from someone who posts the kinda moronic crap we've all seen from you. Here's an example:;f=31;t=001688

mike, I do give you credit for finally waking up and admitting you were completely wrong about the welfare rancher/overgrazing issue when you saw how they destroyed your favorite elk hunting area. Too bad it took so long to get thru your thick skull. If you're smart you'll never doubt me, Buzz and Elkgunner again. :D
Actually Ithaca this forum does suck.

Look at buzz elkgunner you and a few others going around bringing the topic to nothing but a I got a bigger pecker than you got debat.
if someone says something or does something that you elkgunner or buzz doesnt like you three are the first to give them a bad time.
a few of you guys have also taken it to other parts of the board which is totally BS, that is where I am going to start drawing the line.

While I dont always agree with what some people post you guys have usually been pretty decent to one another.

this place should be named the shithole cause thats what pretty much of it is anymore. now its time to wipe flush the toilet.

Either clean on it up on your own or I will. and you wont like my results.
If you all cant be nice and decent about things DONT POST if you do POST it might be deleted.

If you dont like it TOUGH.


I dont have a problem with that, just sit down and take a good long look at the threads and notice when they start to get bad, and who starts them down that road.

This one is a good place to start and a perfect example.



Oh, and thanks for singling out Ithaca, Gunner, and I.

Very Respectfully,

Delw, really?

You arent singling anyone out? Funny, thats not the way I read it.

"if someone says something or does something that you elkgunner or buzz doesnt like you three are the first to give them a bad time."

Gunner, Oak, Pointer, Ithaca, myself, etc. etc. etc. have never gotten a bad time over any of the threads we start or from people who dont agree with us... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Buzz we can get in a big long debat about it if you want, But fact remains that you and elkgunner are a primary shit stirrers with personal attacks.

so I hope you re read it better this time ;)

put a end to it or I will


Read this thread, there isnt a debate at all on who started with the personal attacks. I've read it several times, and I'm pretty sure I understand the English Language.

I even reposted it.

I'll admit to stirring the pot, and I will take a shot every now and then...right along with everyone else.

I receive plenty of shots as well.

I totally agree with you that the posts go to crap when they get personal...and if you look at my first couple posts, I didnt make it personal.

I also agree that things are getting out of hand a bit.

However, I think it would make sense for you to not make your threats personal...practice what you preach.
Buzz last post by me on this thread.

You have known me for a long time and I have known you and you know I dont take sides when it comes to this board and the admin power I have.
I do whats best for the board and I say it like it is, I dont pussy foot around plain and simple.

and you knowing me as long as you have know that.
I dont make threats and I do what I say I am going to do. ;)

mike, I do give you credit for finally waking up and admitting you were completely wrong about the welfare rancher/overgrazing issue when you saw how they destroyed your favorite elk hunting area. Too bad it took so long to get thru your thick skull. If you're smart you'll never doubt me, Buzz and Elkgunner again.
You say shit like this out one side of your mouth, and then have the gall to whine about my posting cartoons out of the other side.

Hypocrite of the first order.

There is a reason I, and alot of others don't bother to post here much anymore. As was already stated it all to quickly becomes who has the biggest pecker, or just plain friggin rude. And it comes from both sides of the fence. I would say a bunch of you are Immature as hell and need to grow up.
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