Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Montana rainfall


New member
May 2, 2004
Seville, Florida
What kind of moisture has Montana had in the area between Helena and Yellowstone this summer? Has there been enough to sustain good antler growth, or am I going to see smaller racks this November?
The rain has been very limited but it was timely rain. It made the grass grow good so the deer and elk ,and the antelope are in great shape!
D4570, Thanks for the info. I can,t wait to get to your great state this fall. An elk or a deer will just be a bonus added to a great trip. I'm bringing a friend who has never hunted in the West and he is even more excited than I am. Thanks again.
I live in the area you have described, contact me when you are getting ready to come on up. Maybe I can give you some help. The rain around here has been very steady most of the summer, the hills still have a tinge of green when normally it has been brown for the last month and a half to two months. There is even still a little snow left in some crevises on the mountains where the last few years has been gone well before July came around...
It should be good for antler growth this year...