Montana opener/weather going to help or hurt ?

The extended forecast for where I’ll be hunting says a high of 8°. All week this week, it’s gravy with every meal. I get the warm fuzzies, and plan to have them opening day, when I think about the bastard who woke up this morning to do some burpees who will be lacking proper organic insulation Saturday morning.

I kid. I think opening day is going to be brutal. And I’m counting on it being too brutal for a lot of people.The road hunters will be out in force.

Drive safe.
Kinda looking forward to testing out the enclosed trailer that I had spray insulated this year for camping. It’ll be nice not having to worry about the gumbo in the breaks for my wife’s cow tag with the cold weather.
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Both, it's going to help keep the animals up and moving and hurt me :) We'll be in the breaks looking for a bull for my buddy. I'm looking forward to it, I think it's going to be miserable and awesome at the same time.
I'm still going to be in a sleeping bag, well maybe 2. I'm definitely taking my buddy heater.
i looked at 77 mulie does today, 4 dinker bucks with them,,, but within a mile of most of the groups there were a couple 4pt bucks. bedded up in the snow
Why don’t you just go hunting and forget about the other hunters . I’m sure you have spots you can get away from the crowds
You are like the annoying little brother that nobody wanted even the parents. 😉 Enjoy your time in Montana it’s a great place let’s keep it that way.
I will be there. I’ve bailed on coming in on Thurs for a day of scouting on Friday. I’ll just hit up my usual spots opening morning and hope the critters are there. I remember last year on opening weekend there was a nasty snowstorm as well. Wasn’t quite as cold, but visibility sucked.
What a difference a week makes. Last week it was so hot and dry that the grass nearly fighting to get peed on. This week it is so muddy you risk getting stuck if you drive off a gravel road.
If the forecast is correct the hunting is going to suck on the opening weekend. With wind, cold and snow the deer will be tucked in to holes and not moving much. The roads are going to suck. There is still a lot of warmth in the ground and with a good covering of snow for insulation it is unlikely that the ground will freeze up even if the temperatures get in to the single digits. When the weather breaks hunting should be great.
I think this could be good depending on how long it lasts. It is possible that this weather could move deer from private to winter range early. If this happens it could be a great year for the public land hunter. Might suck if you are hunting hay fields from a suburban
Sunday looks like the best day where I will be, certainly not staying home due to the cold/snow. The thinking about what I might have seen if I wasn't at home would drive me nuts.
I'll be there on the 31st. I am just going to let the chips fall where they may. Should be an interesting new experience if temps are in the single digits at night. I have never camped with those kind of temps.
I've tent camped in sub zero temps high up in the Little Belts years ago. Sleeping in my zero degree bag plus a full complement of hunting clothes wasn't enough. Pure misery. That said, this could be the best opener ever! I'm good with more road hunters and fewer people out hiking. Big flakes are falling in the Flathead as we speak.
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