Montana opener/weather going to help or hurt ?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2013
What you think deer hunting will be like this weekend with these cold temps ? I’m not going deer hunting in Montana until 3rd week of November but I have to believe the harvest rates of decent/big bucks is going to be higher than normal for opening weekend due to the cold weather looks like highs in low 20s and snow Thoughts ...?
I'm not a mountain hunter, someone else can do that...
That said can you say GUMBO!!!!!
Your worst nightmare, If it doesn't freeze HARD, it will be ugly at best.
The colder the better..... I say that poolside in AZ, with no plans of being there, but really though. The colder the better. Obviously when there’s no visibility, that sucks, but when it clears it should be a good time to hunt.
I think everyone should probably just stay home, montana is a hot spot for the rona right now.

@Greenhorn he's 8doesandcounting.... 8forkiesandcounting might be more suitable to
General rifle season the only time of the year I don’t enjoy living in Montana.
Why don’t you just go hunting and forget about the other hunters . I’m sure you have spots you can get away from the crowds
Having said that I’ve really never hunted down by the Custer or very SE Montana so maybe that’s impossible
I've been wondering about the same thing. I will be in North Central WY this weekend after deer. Hoping the cold keeps other hunters home and the deer moving.
Lots of good points. Cold weather typically keeps the deer moving, so that is a positive. However, it's going to be miserable, so that may limit some hunters. Some areas are calling for up to 8in of snow, so the visibility will be horrible, not to mention that traveling to your spot may be difficult. I will make it a game-time decision. I am not going to risk my life driving to hunt deer on opening day. There are other days.
Prediction . It will be cold and miserable with precip first few weeks then the week I come out deer hunting it’ll be 50 and a muddy mess just like the last 3 years in a row . Just bought chains for my ranger . Will add a couple sand bags in the box
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