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Montana Mountain Goat

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Here is a Montana Mountain Goat clip. Actually it is the second goat of the season, thus the title "Part II." I would post up Part I, but I got to save some of my powder dry, or you guys will have no reason to view the final version.

The longer clip that will be on the DVD has the history of goats in this part of MT and the story of how the A-B Wilderness Area came about. It also has better audio.

Anyhow, we (Ryan, and our buddies) have taken six goats out of this unit. Hell, if you count Miller’s goat, that would be seven. Can I count yours Craig?

You are looking at the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness Area. Some of the baddest country you will find in our part of the world. Lots of goats though.

Another Question:

Do you guys prefer a DVD with thirty three-minute clips where they shoot the hell out everything, or would you prefer fifteen longer clips that actually have some details about the hunt. Details would be the animal facts, history of hunting in that state or area, the public ground being hunted, etc.

We will post a few more clips for comment. Let me know if you are tiring of my test runs here. You guys are a great sample audience.

We may have to run a special “Hunttalk” copy. That OK with you Moosie? Need your logo file, if so.

Happy Hunting!

Big Fin, being from the midwest, think the biography of the region and the animal might be a good thing. maybe the guys from out there will disagree, but for those of us that are not from the area, it gives us an idea of what to look forward to, or not, if we ever decide to do something like that. excellent footage on this one as well as the others I have watched. and after watching the first 3 shots, remember why I don't own a gun. that and we have no need for anything like that here.:D :D
Do you guys prefer a DVD with thirty three-minute clips where they shoot the hell out everything, or would you prefer fifteen longer clips that actually have some details about the hunt. Details would be the animal facts, history of hunting in that state or area, the public ground being hunted, etc.

Good stuff, as usual. I would vote for the later.
Maybe you could put some bonus features together with just all the kill shots for those that enjoy that sort of thing as well.
I'd pick the details option. Is that john - we used to call him clubhorn due to a freaky elk he shot years ago.
Nice video Randy. I like the idea of the fifteen longer clips too. Maybe if you didn't have great footage of some hunts but had the kill shots, a short montage of a number of those would be pretty cool to see as well.
I prefer the longer clips, but having short stuff for the intro always gets me excited to watch a video.
Top notch Goat hunt there Fin.
He must have felt pretty bad missing three times on film...
I'd vote for longer. Longer clips will allow you to show actual hunting, not just kill shots. Thats one thing I loved about some of the old Larry Jones and Dwight Schuh videos.

How far did you guys estimate the goat fell/rolled in total?
I like more of the Behind the scenes as well. I'm goingto draw a goat tag this year..... this video was a sign ;)
Great video! I love a good kill shot as much as anyone but, I want to experience the hunt. So I would vote for longer clips with details of the hunt. Thanks for sharing.
Good video! I like the 'insert adult language here'... :D

Goat hunting is a great adventure, but I'm not quite sure I'd be up for it every year...