Missouri Breaks Elk - Rifle


Aug 8, 2010
Billings, MT
I finally drew an either sex tag for the breaks and am looking for all of the info you guys are willing to share. I have hunted the area off and on for deer over the years but have not been in the CMR much which is where I am thinking about starting. I know it's a madhouse during hunting season but that's where I jumped a monster bull while hunting whiteys along the river some 16 years ago and he's the reason I started putting in for that area. I know I should have been spending more time in there over the years but I honestly never thought I would draw the tag. I'm not walking into this believing that it's going to be easy or that there are 350 class bulls running all over the place which is why I'm asking for your guys' help. From some of the posts I've read it seems like there is a good knowledge base of the area here from hunters with realistic perspectives. Thank you.
Yeah, what Fin says as to where. I live right below the CMR and UL bend. I don't know who is telling you it is a madhouse up here, but they must have never gotten away from Stae road 191. You should not have any trouble finding a priviate area to hunt in 410. With the lake back up, it has moved a ton of game out of the willows that were growing in the old lakebed onto the higher ground. Should make for some really nice hunting. From what I saw on CMR last year, it was a guy with a rifle tags dream. Should be even better this year because of the water.
I second or third what Fin says. I am planning a scouting trip to see what the river and islands, or lack there of, look like. I plan on posting some of them (This is area 410). I agree with Twodot that the pressure has lessened significantly in the last few years since the started to limit the draw. We saw a lot less hunters last year in the 2 weeks we were up there. I am very familiar with area 410. If you want company and 4 wheelers hunt the BLM or BMAs but if you want to see no one or a few guys on foot stay in the CMR.
If you drew 799-20 you have your work cut out for you if your holding out for a 350. I had that permit last year and put a lot of time and miles into it. I saw over 50 total bulls but not a single one was over 330. That permit went on the Chistmas tree. I'm not saying there arent any big bulls left because there are a few around but nothing like 6 or 8 years ago. That unit is not managed for large bulls.....way too many permits.


I killed this bull there in 2004. 390+ 6X6


Another bull I found for a friend who drew the permit in 2007. This one was 360 B&C...
Thank you for the fast replies. Sorry I wasn't more specific. I will be in 621, north side of river. I drew 621-20 so I am able to hunt the CMR in that area. I just got the permit in the mail the other day. I didn't check the draw results online this year so I'm a little behind in scouting already. I will be hunting on foot (hopefully in an area with very few roads) on weekdays to hopefully get away from the crowds if any. Already setting up shift trades at work! Will probably get out this week to check things out as the wife is already sick of watching me stare at maps for hours on end and talking about elk. Now if I can make it until the season without a phone call telling me there was a glitch in the computers and I have to return the permit I will be a happy (slightly stressed) person.
Breaks Runner, those are some beautiful bulls. As much as I want to find "The One", I'm not convinced I have the will power yet to pass on a 320. To be honest, if I were hunting in a general area I would shoot the first legal elk I saw. But since I'm not I'm hoping I make the right decision come decision time. I've been looking at every picture of a bull I can find to make sure I don't get too overwhelmed if I find myself looking over a lot of bulls.
Take your time...you'll find that bull of your dreams if you put the time in. Good luck to you!

I drew a tag for another of the premier limited draw areas in MT and I've been scouting...things are looking very good right now. I've seen so many 350 class bulls in the last few weeks that I just raised my goals a bit...we'll see what happens.
Make sure you get a camo stock on your gun like the guys in the pictures...seems to get them big bulls.
My wife had the 622 tag last year. We went opening week and were totally blown away by all the cow and deer hunters. I think there were 600-700 cow tags in the unit and I think everyone who had a tag was out the beginning of the week. I had heard this could be the case but due to my wife being seven months pregnant we didn't want to delay the hunt any later.
Thankfully she was still able to make it happen and killed a nice 6X6 for her first bull.
If it were my tag I would make sure you can get up there to hunt around the third and fourth week of the season as well as the first week.

Be glassing as soon as you can see in the mornings and until you can't see at night if you want to see more elk.


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A friend of mine drew a 621 bull tag 2 years ago. We hunted the 2nd week. He ended up getting a 330 class bull. It was the biggest bull we saw. We saw 20 or so bulls.

That being said, my 73 year old dad drew a 410 bull permit. This is his 3rd bull permit in 9 years. Can you believe it. We have hunted 410 since the late 1960"s. He only shot cows until 9 years ago. I have been putting in for a bull tag since 1978. Go figure.

I agree with the other post in that the large class of bulls have gone down. In the late 80"s and early 90's a person would have no problem getting a 350 bull. Now, a person better not hold out too long for this type of bull or you might go home empty handed.

Have fun with this tag, glass alot of country and hunt hard.
JCS, did you hunt the CMR or the block management ranches in the area? Once you found elk were you able to pattern them or were they getting pushed all over the place by the deer/cow hunters? I'm not really hung up on score, just use it as a bench mark. I've only killed one bull (6x6 - great mass, symetrical, decent whale tail, 4th's, & 3rd's, baby brows, short mains) so it won't be hard to beat it. Just hoping to get a little lucky since this won't be a normal season for me. Gerald's wife's bull is awesome, anyone have any guesses what that one would score? Thanks again to all who have replied. Whip, good luck this season. I know of your area, usually drive by it a few times a summer on my way to the lake. Unfortunately I've never been in there so I don't know much about it.
PJ-we hunted all CMR. The only way we hunted was spot and stalk. We did see the bull my buddy ended up getting the night before. The next morning, we glassed and glassed and finally found him about 1/2 mile from where he was the night before. Gave him the sneak and took care of business. Thats when the work started. Like I stated before, use you binos and look the country over. You will do fine.
The islands and the willows down by UL Bend are all gone and under water. The islands closer towards the Fred Robinison Bridge are all near normal. A few have standing water in parts, but are not covered and the river is now to the top of the bank. There is no more having to go up 4 or 5 feet to get from the river to the island. Most of the islands are now true islands again. I do have pcitures, but we got back late last night and they are still on the camera.

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