
Mission Done by Montana Unit


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Glasgow, Montana
If you want a mission completed I guess you need to send some Montana boys.

Montana Guard unit takes over mission refused by S.C. unit

By The Associated Press - 10/21/04

KALISPELL, Mont. (AP) - A Montana National Guard unit took over a fuel convoy mission that was refused last week by protesting South Carolina Army reservists, a Guard official and the spouse of the convoy commander said Wednesday.

''They did pick up the mission,'' Guard Maj. Scott Smith told the Daily Inter Lake. ''I can't elaborate any further.''

Smith, who identified the unit as the 639th Quartermaster Company based in Kalispell, said he expected to have more details later.

Cindy Regnier said her husband, Sgt. 1st Class Fulton Regnier, called Monday to say he had returned from the five-day mission and that none of the Guard members in the convoy had been injured. ''He believes when you're given an order, you do your job,'' she said.

The Army announced last week it was investigating the refusal to work by up to 19 members of the 343rd Quartermaster Company based in Rock Hill, S.C. The soldiers would not move supplies from Tallil Air Base near Nassiriyah to Taji, north of Baghdad, the Army said. The reservists claimed the aircraft fuel was contaminated, vehicles had insufficient armor and equipment was in poor condition.

Regnier said her husband was upset that she discussed the mission with the Kalispell newspaper. However, Regnier said she thought it fair that soldiers who carried out the convoy get recognition.

The 639th deployed in December to Colorado and left for Iraq in February.

Fulton Regnier, 42, was a brick mason at the time he was called up. He is asking the Army to reinstate him after a medical discharge seven years ago, Mrs. Regnier said.

''He loves the military,'' she said.
What a misnoumre.. "CIVIL WAR" That rates right up there with "JUMBO SHRIMP" and "MILITARY INTELLIGENCE" for being a dumb name. That was probably the least civil war this country has ever been in. Most of the causalties were Americans. It almost destroyed the economy on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line. Seems that somebody over the course of history could have come up with a better name for that conflict.

"The Confederate Insurrection" "The Southern Rebellion" or the like?

Oh, and as I recall, the penalty for deriliction of duty in the face of the enemy is death by firing squad...although it would probably be commuted to life in prison.. if you can call being in Leavenworth, Kansas living..

I thought this may start an arguement but hey what is life without a little arguing.

Well the name of the war between the states doesn't really matter. I got jacked up by ole Paws by saying the south lost. All I know is that we are the United States not the Confederate States of America.

Maybe the fake armies and fake battles that the fake soldiers reenact every year can finally triumph once and for all. I hope someone will declare victory as it has been 139 years since the last real battle.

Nemont, I believe the defeat is documented by the signature on the bottom of the Article of Surrender that were signed at Appomattox. I don't recall any "Article of Cessation", or "Articles of Let's quit this and everybody go home", "Cease Fire Agreement". It was Articles of Surrender that were signed and in that document it prescribes the method by which the "Governement of the United States of America will repatriate the States of the Confederacy, which by agreement of this document are hereby and forever dissolved." Thus were born the northern scum who became known by the loving and adorable name, "Carpetbaggers".

Tell that old fart to blow it out his butt...


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