Minnesota Antelope


Active member
Aug 19, 2009
St Paul MN
I know the title is little decieving but took my daughter to the MN Zoo this weekend and saw lots of cool animals they have mostly north american animals but some from all over as well. The one that got my attention was the antelope buck there holy man is he unique and not sure but think he must have some horn growth left this year and he is big already. I know i know he is in a zoo but its a close to drooling over a boone and crocket as i can come within 1000 miles of my house.


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I was at the zoo today so I snapped a few more pictures of this bad boy...


Not sure where that is from Kirby, but I would trade my MT deer and elk, my NV deer, and KS deer tags, along with anything else I might draw, for the chance to chase a pronghorn that looks that cool.

Not only is he ugly, but he is big, too. Does it get any better than big and ugly? Just speaking about pronghorn here, so don't even start with those comments.
Right on slick those are awsome. That is a big buck too. Anybody that would pass on either of those bucks doesnt truly appreciate nature. Its the flaws that give them charecter. That buffalo in the zoo has some hooks on him too. Those are great pics guys thanks.
Ive been thinking about it all morning and I dont think I want to shoot him anymore. I want to take pictures of them though so Khunter I would be in debt to you if you got me the last known location of that strange looking pronghorn so I make him a cover model. You can let your friend know I would be sworn to secerecy of the location of that ugly mugged antelope so none of these rifle baring huntalkers would try and make him a wall ornament. I cant believe anyone would want to shoot such a magnificent animal. Im going to practice catch and release hunting from now on so if anyone knows of any mangled horn pronghorn I would love to take a shot at them, with my camera.

PS send me an email at [email protected] with the gps coordinates instead of a private message because I know Big Fin can probly hijack the message and then the location and the life of that superstar would be in jeopardy. I will get my scope, I mean lens cleaned for the shoot.
Khunter: Looks like NM somewhere - probably near Roswell? Also, the left horn looks to have been broken at the base of the horn core, probably after that horn had already fully grown. If that's the case, I would have to wonder whether or not that horn will grow this year anything like it did in the picture - my guess would be that it would not. In any case, it does actually look pretty big.

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