Caribou Gear Tarp

Messin' with Mama Moose

Grizz killed both those calves I’m told. Once the bear is on them, it’s relentless until it’s fed.
Grizz killed both those calves I’m told. Once the bear is on them, it’s relentless until it’s fed.
One is dead and the other one likely, but I can't be certain.

Here is the culprit.

Formulating a plan. Probably 50 yards away.

This was taken Friday evening. The attack above was the next day.
This was probably a couple hours before the first calf was taken. Light was getting harsh and the bear moved on, so I left the Park before the tourists took it over.

Saw quite a few bears on this trip, but the rangers were out in full force with cracker rounds and hazing every bear that was in view of the road.

I can verify firsthand that a mad mama moose can sound like a roaring bear when you mess with her calves. In our case we got the calf out of the fence and got the hell outta there...