Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever


Preacher shaner

Active member
Jan 17, 2019
I am flying out of Anchorage. I don't need anything but put in boxes and frozen. Dose any one know some one you would recommend
I stayed in a place with a chest freezer available the day before my flight. Froze all of my boneless meat in double-bagged gallon sized ziplocs, then checked the coolers as luggage on my flight home. Worked pretty well.

This was out of Ketchikan, but I bet there’s somewhere near Anchorage with a freezer available.
Another option to think about is just having it processed up here, then the processor can ship Air Cargo. It is definitely not the cheapest option, but neither is hunting up here, LOL! In 2018, before I moved back up here, I came up for a moose hunt and was successful. Had the meat processed at Delta Meats in Delta Junction. When they were done, they threw it on a plane in Fairbanks and I picked it up in Phoenix that night. All meat was still frozen solid. Like I said, this is not a cheap option. But, in my opinion, it was worth every penny!
Call 10th and M seafood in Anchorage. I stored fish in their freezer once and maybe they can box your meat and freeze it for you.
If I recall, most ups stores up there also shipped frozen meat. No idea on the price, though.

If you can check/carry it yourself, I would. When I flew back from my in-law’s in Thorne bay with a bunch of frozen salmon, I just stuck in my carry on and it wasn’t an issue.
I believe there is freezer storage in the airport, but probably not the best place to get it frozen first.

A lot of the local hotels will offer freezer space if you're staying there overnight.
I use company called trophy express
Cost was same as putting all that meat as checked baggage. Was a good experience, they have a list of freezer storage spots and then pickup and deliver to
Lower 48
I am using them again this year.
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I use XL mule soft coolers. I bring however many I need. A Caribou will use three for everything boned out. A bear about the same, moose can take 8 or 9. I put the unfrozen meat in the cooler bags then put the whole bags in a freezer. Your in Alaska you will find plenty of willing freezers… I have used Hotel freezers, a dinner and also many air transporters will have freezers ….even used an air B&B.
Close the bags, sure up with a heavy duty E Tie on them for good measure and check them with the air line. Fish I take home in insulted boxes and some times I even put the box in a tuff bin container. I have shipped fish home or to friends and family while I was still there fishing, plenty of services that will box and ship for you.
I use company called trophy express
Cost was same as putting all that meat as checked baggage. Was a good experience, they have a list of freezer storage spots and then pickup and deliver to
Lower 48
I am using them again this year.

If this is the correct link, their service is quite remarkable and cost-effective for what they do.
Yes that is who i used and am using this year again if i am lucky enough to harvest another moose.
I had a guy that boxed it into 50# boxes and froze it at his house then used a buddies air cargo and shipped the entire thing cost me like 500 bucks to keep it in Alaska freezer showed up a couple days later froze solid
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