magnum rifle primer in standard rifle loads

T Bone

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2001
Eastern Idaho
Anyone out there use magnum primers in standard rifle loads? If so what are the advantages and disadvantages?

A friend recommended I try magnum primers for my 270 and 30-06 loads. His reasoning is that the standard primers don't ignite today's slower burning powders consistently. Does that hold water?

I'd think it would get me into pressure trouble if I'm using hot loads. Any thoughts?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-11-2003 05:54: Message edited by: T Bone ]</font>
I've tried using them from time to time just trying to get a load to shoot a little better or a little faster or in one case... just plain shoot. I've tried them in 243, 6.5-06, and 30-06 at one time or another. Bottom line, I always wound up going back to the standard primers.

If I had a slow burning rate powder, I'd just change to a faster burning rate powder and not confuse the issue by adding the variable of the magnum primer to a "Standard" cartridge.

I feel that if you are going to experiment with the magnum primers you should reduce your powder charge a grain or two and work back up. Your rifle just might like them... who knows, but I'm going to guess that any overall gains you make with them will be marginal in the calibers you mentioned.

Can you get in trouble with using magnum primers with hot loads? You could under the right set of circumstances. If you were shooting a hot load using a temperature sensitive powder that was developed during temperatures in the mid 50's, and left the rounds on the dash of the truck on a sunny 110* day then took them out and shot them right might be asking for trouble then. That is an extreme example but who knows which straw will break the camel's back. :> ) WD
I dont use anything but magnum rifle primers.

I like simple, and I dont want to be looking for a standard primer for this and a magnum for that, etc. etc.

I've reloaded 22-250, 243, 6mm, 25/06, 30/06, 7mm, 300 win., 338 win. all with magnum primers and all with good results. Never seen excessive pressure and I'm not happy unless I can shoot 1 inch groups. I use a pretty fair assortment of powders as well.

I dont know that magnum primers are necessary, and if the truth were known there probably isnt that much difference.

But, I do believe its always good advice to be cautious when trying something new...the advice of dropping a grain or two is probably a real smart idea.
I concur with Buzz. I bought 1k of Mag primers and use them in the .338 Win and 30-06 with good results. But like changing anything with a load, one should start low and work up to be safe.

I only use Federal 215 for magnum primers. The other ones didn't seem to provide consistency, in a couple of different guns.

Disclaimer: Back down your loads and work back up to what you want, better safe than sorry.
I've used magnum primers frequently in standard rounds, usually when I am loading a ball powder. Some boxes of Winchester large pistol primers say that they are for standard or magnum loads. If I am at the top end with a hot load, then I would drop a grain of powder to start.
I recommend using magnum primers in all magnum loads and in standard calibers when using ball type of powder. This is to have a more uniform ignition and a more complete burn.

I use H414 powder in my .30-06, my .243 Win and my .243 Ackley Improved.

With my .30-06, I'm shooting a 150g Sierra Game King with 58g H414 and a CCI 250 magnum primer. I'm getting velocities near a .300 Win Mag that's shooting 165g bullets. This load groups under 1" (closer to 3/4") at 100yds. This load is only for Deer sized game, but I did shot a cow elk with it at 400yds and she droped in her tracks.

The .243 Win shoots a 75g Sierra Hollow point with 46.5g of H414 and has printed a 5 shot group of .317" at 100yds. (This is a varmit gun though.)

The .243 Ackley Improved shoots a 95g Nosler Bal Tip with 43g H414 and this week shot a 5 shot group (one was a flier) at .495" the 4 shots with out the flier was .184" at 100yds.

All measuring was done by measuring the spread the subtracting the bullet caliber. also all three loads were using CCI 250 primers.

The only reason I mentioned the loads and their grouping was to refute the claim that loads using large rifle primers are more as accurate than ones using Magnum primers.

One other thing, If you are hunting in cold weather magnum primers in standard calibers tend to nullify the cold weather problems with certain problem powders, (inconsistant ignition, etc...)

And for a disclaimer, always back off 10% and then work back up when ever a individual component is changed in a load. And These loads were for my individual guns any reproduction of these loads my not achieve any such claimed accuracy or velocity in your individual firearms.

Hope this helps

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