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Love to you Hunt Talkers

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Yesterday Mrs. Fin told me she denied registration to a person signing up as "Huntersarelosers!" When you are denied registration, you get an email stating such. Seems this person did not like being deined access to the forum, so she decided she would like to let all of you know how she feels about you. Here is her follow up email.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Your Mom" <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2014 1:04pm
To: [email protected]
Subject: OYOA Contact Submission
Name: Your Mom

Email: [email protected]

Comments: your websites for losers!!!!! Just keep supporting massive slaughters and ways to hurt and kill. people like you needs millions of prayers because people like you end up in hell. Animals where not put on the this earth to be hunted. Animals are better than you. Yes you! not me though because i care about other things that just myself and a paycheck, But you, you are no better than the dirt cows poop on. I hope someone one hunts your family one day and you might see how all the animal families you destroy feel when their family is ripped apart. I feel sorry for you, for all the pain you will have in your life from the choices you make. Hunt talk phhh more like the new murders of today talk. Name your website right! drop down to your knees and start praying cause you need it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thought all of you would know what she thinks of the people at Hunt Talk. I should almost start a compilation thread of these kind of replies.

If you guys are polite your posts, I might send this thread link to Markie, so she can see how much love really exists at Hunt Talk. :D
It is appalling to read those strong words spewed at hunters and the legacy of hunting. The really sad realism is that there are those who sincerely feel that hatred and highly emotional disdain of hunting. Their skewed concepts of animals, wildlife management, and nature itself place them in a bad place emotionally and intellectually. With all the studies recently about plants and the "emotions" of vegetation, it may lead some of these irrational beings to also hate the "killing" of plants. Perhaps starvation will genetically weed out (pun intended) some of the more radical types.
That just brightened my day.

"The new murders of today talk" I never thought of myself that way. That is a catchy title.
I just want to know how Markie doesn't eat and avoids murder all together?

To quote Tovar Cerulli:

"Yes, hunting involves the death of fellow creatures.

And agriculture involves the alteration -- and often the devastation -- of entire damned ecosystems.

Now that no one is riding a high horse of moral innocence, let's talk about how to improve both."
It's always nice to hear from someone with such an articulate perspective.
I have heard many complaints like this from people who do not understand the basics of proper wildlife management. Unfortunately they hide their identities and make their points with angry words and absurd claims rather than science and proof that our wildlife management and hunting practices are based off of. I feel that if you are inclined to tell me I am wrong then tell me who you are. A cowards words are nothing more than noise. My name is Skyler Mitchell, I am a hunter, conservationist, and would happily discuss the pros and cons of the American conservation model and how hunting groups restored Americas wildlife.
It is so bizarre that some people think hunting inflicts emotional damage on animals when predators are so much a factor in the their everyday existence. I think they've adapted to being at the bottom of the food chain. I wonder how these people think animals die in the wild.
About a month ago I had been reading through a Montana nature photographers posts. She loves wildlife, which includes wolves. I was impressed by a statement she made in one post. She stated that she used to be anti hunting. But when she began watching the wolves, learning more about them, she realized that hunting was natural, necessary and that humans were also hunters. She no longer is anti hunting as a result.

I appreciated that this person had really connected to the real, natural world and learned an important principle from it, not some unrealistic utopian concept blended with misapplied religious beliefs as expressed by "Huntersarelosers!" Having intently researched ancient to modern religious systems for over 30 years, especially those that are patriarchal Indo-European to Semitic Abrahamic faiths and their modern branches, I cant figure out what her religious base is based on her comments, except perhaps - fervent Disney!
you are no better than the dirt cows poop on. I hope someone one hunts your family one day

Does this really sound like someone who has a belief system based in Christianity? Hello, kettle.
God created man from dust and to dust we shall return, so I guess none of us, her included are better than the dirt :) God also created animals for man's use, look it up. It always concerns me how some people can say how bad hunting is and how evil we are and how we need to pray a lot, but then they can wish harm on our families. what is worse, us using animals or her wishing death on our families. - I'll pray for you madam.
Thank You Markie.
I hope you and your friends will pray for me, and with me; I really need a NM bull tag and millions of prayers will certainly help.
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