Love Montana in November

One buck on your "Deer A" tag, whether it be muley or whitey. Some damage hunts may allow you to shoot bucks on your "Deer B" (doe) tag.

In general, if you wanted to, you could shoot 8 deer per year. You can have seven "Deer B" tags, plus your "Deer A" tag.
One buck on your "Deer A" tag, whether it be muley or whitey. Some damage hunts may allow you to shoot bucks on your "Deer B" (doe) tag.

In general, if you wanted to, you could shoot 8 deer per year. You can have seven "Deer B" tags, plus your "Deer A" tag.

Is it maxed out on 7 doe tags?

Fowl, we're the same way, you've got to choose either whitey or muley.
Is it maxed out on 7 doe tags?

Yeah, they changed it a couple of years ago, because some people were shooting quite a few. I know of one guy in Missoula that shot 15-20 does/year, but had the majority of them donated.

"A hunter may possess a total of seven deer B licenses in any combination."
I love the genuine look of joy on a hunters face-as is in evidence in your photos. The same old jokes just seem funnier when told around the fire or on a windswept mountainside.
Congrats and continued success be yours.
Matt got a nice buck today. Thinking all the other tags are filled, so I am hoping to shoot one tomorrow. Tired of freezing out there, so it might not take much of a buck for me to shoot.



Will fill in some more details when I am not so tired.
Congrats to the hunter as well as the guide! Looks like fun in the cold. 70 degrees still down here. :rolleyes:

Will fill in some more details when I am not so tired.

So, with your schedule I imagine about the middle of January we can expect the rest of the story. :D
Today was really cold. What kind of a moron would be out hunting on a day like today? Lots of us hunting morons. By January I will be wishing it was hunting season, so I will be glad we went, regardless of the cold temps.




We went and filled some doe tags, then me and Photofin decided it was time to end the season. Not the biggest bucks around, but a couple nice ones.




Was glad to have them on the ground and to the heat of the truck to warm back up.


Matt has one day to elk hunt tomorrow, and given the cold temps, maybe he can find a bull that wants to sacrifice himself to the cause. After that, it is time to catch a few days of rest before heading to Kansas.
Great job guys, I am truly jealous. Mid way thru still havent seen a buck, seems the wolves have turned them nocturnal and now we are suffering from a full moon too!
Good job Big Fin helping your friends and closing the deal on a deer for yourself.I thought of you today out there in this cold....good luck in the midwest.
I got the chills just looking at this post. Great bucks! It's going to be nice and warm in KS . . .right?
Congrats on the annual whitey slaughter success. Some very nice looking bucks indeed.
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