A guy Named MTMILLER inspired me to start taking my camera in the woods again... Heres a few pics. I really should have been shooting arrows instead of pictures because i got 4 doe tags to fill, but i will wait for muzzel loader season i guess. I need to thin the herd a bit. I saw only one buck but didnt have my camera ready.
Heres a couple pics where i should have been flinging arrows on,
Here 6 deer in one pic, can you spot them all?
heres just some a pic from my stand, a good oak grove that had lots of nuts falling. the deer were hitting it hard.
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-05-2003 19:38: Message edited by: schmalts ]</font>
Heres a couple pics where i should have been flinging arrows on,

Here 6 deer in one pic, can you spot them all?

heres just some a pic from my stand, a good oak grove that had lots of nuts falling. the deer were hitting it hard.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-05-2003 19:38: Message edited by: schmalts ]</font>