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Looking for a bino case (maybe even some binos)


Active member
Jun 23, 2016
I am in the market for some binos, but obviously I will also need a decent bino case. I could care less if it's dirty and beat up... just looking for one that functions.


I really only use them once a year for pronghorn, I'd hate to spend over $100 if I can help it. I'd love to buy used!
I am a convert from FHF to Alaska Guide Creations. FWIW.
I am the opposite of 406. I started with FHF and liked it, but tried AGC KISS for my work optics. I am not impressed with that model and have since purchased a second FHF case for my personal backups.
I just posted Vortex binos and Kuiu bino harnes for sale in the classifieds. Check them out and if your interested I can send you a PM
Camofire has the Badlands magnetic closing (advertised as dust and watertight) bino case today for $70 IIRC. The shoulder straps on this unit have a bladder pouch in the shoulder harness.

I haven't dunked my case to prove it is watertight, but I do like this model a lot for my 10x42 binos
I really like the KUIU harness, I don't like my binoculars flopping around.
I have a harness that I could sell you. If you are interested send me a PM. I'll have to dig them out of storage and see what they might be worth.
I went from the kuiu that i disliked and went to a alaska guide creations and while i had concerns at first i am really happy with it now after about 6 months of use. Just wished i would of swapped sooner.
I had FHF for a year or two. Liked some things about it but really dislike the lid and how it opened. I started using Marsupial Gear over a year ago and am very happy with it. Seems like it is around $70 or so.
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