Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Locked out in Western Oregon!

Joe Hulburt

Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
Oregon Coast
I thought maybe this was an appropriate topic for this forum and was hoping to get some help or advice.

The company that manages much so the Corporate Timber land in Western Oregon has decided to lock out hunters at all times during "fire season" (roughly July thru mid October) which is unprecedented for the lands in question. They have always been open unless we were in a HIGH fire danger situation. Ironically this is about the wettest I can recall it being the week prior to archery season yet there is not a chance the official fire season will end until October.

My biggest problem with this is that many illegal folks will continue to access the land only they will have ZERO law abiding hunters to keep on eye on their behavior. It won't take long until poaching increases dramatically. That and the fact that it a crock of shit that walk in hunters will start fires! Most all the slobs that access illegally are on ATV's and they will get away with murder. Just doesn't make any sense to me but I guess this is the direction things are headed for the average DIY public access hunter. Really sucks to a guy who lives to hunt and has spent a lifetime being a steward of the land in question to see some paper pushing geek somewhere who is ignorant and scared of his shadow foul everything up.

Anybody think if would help to get a few people to write these folks? It is Hancock TImber Resource Group that I am talking about. Is it worth the trouble or should we all just take it in the ass and get used to it?
its too bad that alot of the coast range is controlled by the private timber comps,,,there rules really suck as i agree with you,,,most avid hunters will take proper care to not have or start fires,especially during early season..guess well have to stay in odof land areas for now,,,personally im headin on the east side where we can run around even though its 10 times dryer over there.
Joe the entire Southeast has gone through the same thing with the Timber Co's in the last 20 years. What was open to all, for years has now been gated and leased by them. I'm talking about Millions of acres of prime Wildlife habitat. The day will come that you guys up in the Northwest face the same thing,there's just too much money to be made and they know it.
It sucks big time but the fact is,it's private land and the big Timber Co's will manage it however they wish.
wayerhouser lands are shut down also.thing is if you look at the u s drought moniter map,it shows part of northern oregon coast at "normal" levels?,,,mid oregon coast is listed as abnormally dry only,,,then southern oregon coast finnaly hits the drought 1 rating only?really not that bad or extreme as they say.
Would the Oregon Hunter's Association be willing to get involved? It might help to be able to say you represent 11,000 hunters.
ore dept of forestry lands are still open,,just usual fire restrictions in place,,,,,funny thing is i dont think they have looked outside today as it has actually rained measurable amount,,,.05 in today at cannon beach and is raining this minute here in the portland area,,,hopefully they will ease off this ban and let the bowhunters in next week.
Well buddy i can give you a good tip on where i killed 3 Elk. It is a easy walk in off 26 just past Banks, OR
and there are some very nice Bear in that part. I had a black bear 5 feet from me when I was black tail hunting.
Just speaking for E. Oregon here..... Last weekend Sumpter to the North large hail storm and rain. Weekend before over an inch of rain. Going back up this weekend to weed whack where our place is in a meadow. Curious to see/hear about the fire around Granite.

ore dept of forestry lands are still open,,just usual fire restrictions in place,,,,,funny thing is i dont think they have looked outside today as it has actually rained measurable amount,,,.05 in today at cannon beach and is raining this minute here in the portland area,,,hopefully they will ease off this ban and let the bowhunters in next week.
Well buddy i can give you a good tip on where i killed 3 Elk. It is a easy walk in off 26 just past Banks, OR
and there are some very nice Bear in that part. I had a black bear 5 feet from me when I was black tail hunting.

Thanks! I am just fine personally, I will kill an elk on National Forest land. Most of my hunting has already been on NF land. I'm not the kind of guy who only gets pissed when it affects me personally. I just hate injustice and that is what I see here. I spent the day checking trail cams on public land (in my rain gear!) and any fire danger in this area is a hoax.
Would the Oregon Hunter's Association be willing to get involved? It might help to be able to say you represent 11,000 hunters.

I'm going to try and get them involved! If they won't my renewal that is sitting here on my desk won't get sent in. I am skeptical as they seem to lean hard to the RRRRight and the idea of fighting for access seems too liberal for them. I just hunt.....:confused:
It's a pretty easy decision for that "paper pushing geek" to make, they're the ones liable for any costs associated with a fire that moves to other land.
It's a pretty easy decision for that "paper pushing geek" to make, they're the ones liable for any costs associated with a fire that moves to other land.

I'm sure they see it that way. There is no fire, there isn't gonna be any fire. There will be unlawful vehicle use but I guess if they bury their heads in the sand and suck their thumbs they won't care. A step in the wrong direction but an obvious step given the world we are living in TODAY.
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