Caribou Gear Tarp

LIFE Members..... (this post is for "EVERYONE")


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
I was Approached from a few that were interested in Supporting the Site and Wanted "LIFE MEMBER's" option. I think I'm going to Decline that Option right now for Several reasons.

The first is I'm not sure what "WE" are here. I have to pay tax's on anything I get so I'm not a Non-Profit Club. I'm thinking of the Structure of this place. So it's just taking a bit of time. Heck, I've even been given a Knife by Meathead to RAFFLE of but am running into "LEGAL" issues on Raffling....

Another reason for the delay is I'm looking into a HuntTalk Magazine in color. I've been approached by a couple of "PEOPLE".. (right now I'll call them "MY PEOPLE".. I've always wanted to have "MY PEOPLE" in case I needed to tell someone to contact them

Anyways, I am in the Proccess of putting together a magazine (Don't worry I'm not editing it
) but looking at putting out a NO BS, SLIM ADVERTISING... (So you can read the Articles that aren't bombarded with the "I used a barnes X 180 Grain 2100 FPS BLAH BLAH BLAH" crap. And Buy my Best BOW Rest, Crap !!! Just the good old hunting stories and info.

The magazine would have Stories and Articles from hunters Across the States and Wouldn't be just Elk or Just Whitetail or Just.. well anything ... It would be a Good ol' HuntTalk(ing)/Reading magazine....

We'd Focus on Guys that Post here and Stuff they shoot. We'd have info on Different states and NOT make it a East/West thing.

Now, What I'm lacking now is a distribution list. IF..... (And more like When) I get this off the ground, who would be willing to buy it that is "NOT" a current Supporting member ? I'm just getting a Feel for who at this place would like a Magazine like that.... or how many hunters in your area would be interested ?

If I can Grow the supporting membes this year (or sooner) to 100 People, I know I can Break even and Get this off the ground. I'm sure once people read what we're putting together it will go on it's own. (Kind of like a GOOD Hunting board

Any feedback ?
How often would you publish and what would be the cost? I'm guessing it would be a quaterly with a cost of about $4.50. It makes no differnce since I would buy it anyway.
I would guess it would be no worse than the other bathroom reading material I have. Hell, I might even submit an article or two. (Journalism minor)

I could already see USO advertising on a page with an article by Hounddawg titled "Why Tags Don't Matter".
Those that would sign up (for the Magazine), Are you signed up for the Supporting member on this site yet ? If not, Please do and We'll get this rolling. Here's what we're thinking...

What we're going to do is Go "COLOR" and larger once the membership gets to about 100. If that's as soon as the 2nd issue this year we're going for it. It takes more time we'll wait till the 1st quarter of next year. The curent newsletter is only 8 pages and B/W. Once we switch, the fomat is Changing pages are easily trippleing and is growing from there.

We just got out our Last Newsletter for last year and the Next will go out "March" '04. The one After Will be June. then Sept then Nov/Dec. If the Magazine kicks off, we'll budget it to Be every 2 months next year. But we're making baby steps not to Mess things up (Like I get blamed for alot

We have Several Bids on the Magazine but what ya run into is Set up cost Etc. It costs about the Same to Print 1 Magazine as it does 100 of them. there is Setup "HARD" costs initially each time. We're working with some people that as we grow they can do well. A friend of mine Runs The LineMan College and they put out a Awsome mag and Produce 4,500 of them on a 1/4ly basis.

Thanx for the Support, And We can Sure use the Writing Skills of a Few and Articles too. Right now it's small enough We're dealing with it. But SHANT be long

Initially the Supporting member was to Offset cost. We're at that point of doing that. (Although less then 1/2 renued this time ? MAybe it's to soon to say ? But We're thinking a bit BIGGER now
If we get to the Point of "MAKING" money, we'll lower the cost on the idea. It's not About making money. I work for that
It's about Being the "BEST". (How Cocky is that

So.... (Are you a supporting member yet

PS, "Y.H." You crack me up man
Moosie, I'll need extras for the barbershop, Legion, and Sporting Goods Store!
Smitty talk to this boy about a Chapter S corp!

Hey Moosie, I just thought! What if everybody paid cash or used money orders?? (Tee hee hee!!)

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-07-2004 14:29: Message edited by: pawclaws ]</font>
Sounds like a winner idea Moosie. Obviously I am a supporting member, but would be willing to pay an additional fee to get a good magazine with hunting adventures of the posters from the board.

Quarterly would be cool, but I would be more interested in an annual edition. I think the quality would be better put into one instead of four, but I am not the one putting in the time (just my two cents).

Way to be a go getter.
Oscar I emailed you yesterday is there a re-register button ? or do you just go to membership and start again from scatch
Just Re-register.... Mojave keeps the List of Who registers, Your # stays the same, Etc. If 40 register, and Don't reregister, the numbers stay blank and new ones continue on. (Make sence? )

John, You're on the list,

MtMiller, I might jsut go with a Once a year at years end deal, But I'm thinking Bigger, I figure think big, Rethink later
Sounds like a great idea. If we contribute articles & Photos........would we the be Field Editors and as such be able to say our hunts are a tax deductible business expense?
This has possibilities!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-07-2004 15:55: Message edited by: Iron Buck ]</font>
Count me in Moosie,Im just waiting to get back to work then the money will be sent to ya.I can most likely get a couple people around here to sign up for it.If ya need extra money for the mag lemme know.
Dgibson, At least you would have killed something "GOOD" for a change

Iron Buck.... I like the Way you think
You can Call yourself whatever you need for a tax Break

Kraven, Right now it's more "PEOPLE" then Money... Both are hand in hand though.

Thanx guys !!!
Nut.. You're a Lifer for sure in my book ... More like a Mental Lifer

Delw... thet wud bea liek me Editign


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