Lek survey time


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
I have been out a couple times this past week and found some birds. Not prime time yet and the lighting was poor, but here are a couple sharpies strutting their stuff.


I have a few sage-grouse shots as well and will try to get them up later.
Few other critters along the way.


On the move.


Thirty-some in this group.


Just to shake it up, here are some whities.

Something about those guys stomping and strutting makes me laugh.

Thanks for sharing.
I'm heading out a week from tomorrow to start looking. If these snow storms keep blowing through it may be a tad late where I count again this year. Biggest lek I count is right at a road/fence intersection...thought those were two of their biggest evils! ;)
Nope...I just find it funny that the birds choose to strut in a place with two of the purported detriments to their existence. About 1100 acres 1.5 miles to the west of the lek will be getting lots for sage grouse habitat after this year... ;)


Or maybe this...
You sure you don't work in the NG industry? You're starting to sound a lot like those guys. ;)

That's right, it's the BLM. My bad. That's kind of like asking, "are you hunting deer or whitetails?" ;)

The fracing crew foreman I was talking to yesterday was trying to explain to me how the deer and elk graze right past the pads, so drilling obviously doesn't affect them. I just listened politely and didn't bother to |oo .
That's right, it's the BLM. My bad. That's kind of like asking, "are you hunting deer or whitetails?"
Getting close to the belt, but I'll let it pass...

No NG wells drilled where I work since I've worked there. Though we do get to deal with contractors from east of here so we can put NG pipelines in.
That's right, it's the BLM. My bad. That's kind of like asking, "are you hunting deer or whitetails?" ;)

Are you somehow implying that the BLM is straying from the traditional charter of accommodating Livestock and Mining and are somehow trying to add Drilling to the BLMD roles?
Getting close to the belt, but I'll let it pass...

Sorry 1_p, I forgot that there are other uses for BLM like grazing and mining, as Jose pointed out. :D

Just having fun with you. I know you likely wouldn't have anything to do with NG even if you had it in your RA.
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