PEAX Equipment

Leg Cramps


New member
Jul 26, 2011
Southeast Idaho
I spend a lot of time archery hunting for Elk and hike several miles most days. I stay hydrated, but occasionally get bad leg cramps at night while I'm sleeping. I've heard all of the folk remedies like pickle juice, mustard, vitamin B12, but have only tried the B12 and it doesn't seem to work for me. Recently I saw an ad for the new Hot Shot remedy. I read through their website and looked at some of the reviews and it sounds like it works. Has anybody tried this product or have any other suggestions for either avoiding leg cramps or quick solution once you get them? A few years back I was hiking out at night and my calves cramped up so bad I fell to the ground. I quickly drank what water I had left and after a while the cramps went away long enough for me to finish my hike out. But once I was back at camp they started up again. Just curious what the rest of you do or experience. Thanks.
I take a muscle relaxer and alive every night in backcountry. Feel so much better next day, talk to your doc if nothing else, always eat right and drink lots.

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Beef broth. You're lacking minerals, not just water.

Or you can have one of those squeeze bottles of gatorade to add to your water. Or use JR's supplements.
Powdered Gatorade in your water or some of the post exercise gels work great.
As the others have said, it's the electrolytes you need. You lose a lot of them when you sweat - that's the salty stuff that stains your hat. Drinking straight water keeps you hydrated, but doesn't replace those. They are essential for regulating and carrying nerve impulses, which is why you get cramps when they are out of whack. Some you will get back via food, but powdered drinks and/or supplements are the best bet for packability and effectiveness while you are hunting. Don't wait for the cramps to start. I would start on day one with whatever drink/supplement you decide to use to keep them from starting.
I've had a history of severe leg cramps and am super cautious about it. Been hospitalized in the the past with full body cramps so I don't take it lightly. 2 products I've found that both work for me are Gatorlytes (drink mix) and Endurolytes (pills). Either one would be good if you're worried about it.
I got leg cramps so bad once, that it felt like I got shot with a Taser (when I went through instructor school). I get the cramps occasionally at night, but not quite as severe. I found out about a remedy similar to the pickle juice. It is called Caleb Treeze Leg & foot cramp remedy. It is an old Amish formula made of certified organic apple cider vinegar. I am dead serious when I tell you that you take one capful in 2 ounces of water, and the cramps go away in 30 seconds. It works every time. Doesn't taste real good, but it is a lot better than suffering with the leg and foot cramps I get. I keep a bottle by the bed for those night cramps. Trust me on this. It will be the best $8.00 you ever spent. I ordered my last 2 bottles online at
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honestly, this is a tough task to handle. the staff sergeant in me says that water, stretching, and more stretching should help, but this might be something you should discuss with your doctor, as there's a malady of deeper issues that might be causing this, like circulation issues. have you tried deeper and longer stretching at all?
They make electrolyte pills now, so you don't get all the sugar and excess bad stuff for you as in Gatorade. A lot of marathon and ultra-runners use them, a well regarded brand is Nuun.
Pedialyte. It's not just for sick babies. Make sure to get the generic brand so you're not paying an arm and cramped leg. It also works great as a hangover remedy, FYI. Also, never buy the unflavored one, and try to drink them chilled.

Interesting article and helps explain why the Caleb Treeze would work. The issue (I get them too and sometimes it does feel like I got Tazed) seems to have 2 sides: trying to keep them from happening via imbalances (magnesium etc) and stopping the pain once they do happen (hot shot, Caleb Treeze, etc). I'm supposed to do a tough hike on Thursday and I almost always cramp up on the steep hike back out, so I'm going to try to get something to put it to the test.
Second on the Endurolytes. S-Caps are also good and have a bit more sodium and minerals. I used to get cramps when racing longer distances and noticed a big improvement. Add some good stretching and you should be good. Not sure I would make a habit of muscle relaxers or Aleve. They aren't really addressing the issue, just masking the symptoms.
I read the same WSJ article and will try it out as I always suffer the same level of cramping that the OP mentioned.
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