
KRAVEN-was wondering how the hunt went

moss back

New member
Jul 1, 2001
Pacific N.W.
Did'nt get a chance to talk to ya before I went back to work. Finally found you on this site. I'll be lurking around so send e-mail or post here.
P.S. this is your uncle :D
Thanks Nut
Kraven has nothing but good to say about this site so thought I'd drop by and check it out.
Me good HAHAHA.
Well mossback the hunt was fun and hott thats about it.We saw alot of Does and Fawns this yr.I saw a little spike and my Dads friend saw a forked horn and a spike aswell.
How did your guys hunt go??I think I heard a couple of ya scored.
Thanks all for the welcome. AS for Kraven behaven thats a pretty tall order. Went 12/12 on the deer. My youngest son shot a smallish 4x5 and his mom got a nice Doe but the scope came back and got a piece of her! Nothing serious but now she Knows why one doesn't want to "crawl" the stock. It can hurt! Only one Big deer in camp this year-27" 6x6. I got to shoot a coyote. I'll try and get my buck on the late archery over east. Take care all and hope for rain cause we sure need it.
27" 6x6 sounds like a mighty fine buck. If you have any pics of it, we would love to see them

Congrats to your son and the Mrs on their deer also. We welcome any and all pictures
DANG you guys done good then.27" 6x6 holy smokes damn fine deer!!
All we did was eat dust over in Yakima.The temps in the morning were 10-15 then in afternoon it got up to mid 60's.I have a funny feeling elk season is going to be terrible.It was drier than hell over there in May so now it should be down right ugly.
Congrats to Colb and Dee on the deer and good luck to ya for the archery season.
How the heck does one post a picture? I took a few pictures with one of those throw away cameras and I'll check and see if anybody took pictures with a digital. I am computer challenged at best so I hope its simple.
Kraven-maybe you should think about unlimbering that bow! You get to hunt during the Mule deer rut and the Whitetail rut. Totally Awesome!!!!!!! :confused:

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