Caribou Gear

Just got back from the meat processor.


New member
Aug 27, 2013
Houston tx,
Just got back from picking up the rest of the hog meat from the meat processor. Wow! I didn't realize how much 85lbs of meat was. But somehow I made room for all of it in the freezer. I still need to invest in a big freezer though. Not bad for $228. That's enough meat for a year. I'm giving my Cajun mother in law most of the Boudin and whatever else she wants. That is a multitude of meat.






What time's dinner?;)

You might consider 2 small freezers,rather than 1 large. Much easier to keep neat and find what you want.

Now I'm a California native born and raised in San Jose "Silicon Valley" Home of the micro chip. So I've learned allot since moving to the lone star state. I didn't know what New Orleans or a Cajun was. Didn't know the difference between a Redneck and a Coonazz was. But these people love their guns, God and country in the most hardcore way. They have welcomed this outsider with open arms and have been most gracious and hospitable to me. Plus I married one of them which helps lol! They've turned me on to so many new things that I probably wouldn't have done on my own had I stayed in Cali. They just don't hunt in Texas either. It's all over.
My dream hunt is to one day go to Alaska or Kamchatka Russia for a Costal brown bear. That would be awesome. I don't think I could top that. What a great memory it would make.
If you buy a new freezer I'd suggest not getting a frost free one. Meat lasts longer in a manual defrost. FWIW.
Impressive! Our local butcher says its illegal to process a wild hog unless you bring it in alive and he kills it. I wish he would.
Impressive! Our local butcher says its illegal to process a wild hog unless you bring it in alive and he kills it. I wish he would.
The processor I went through does commercial meat but they also cater to the local hunters. On their website they said that they will not be accepting commercial processing during t deer season so they can process all of the deer that's going to be brought in and that they will be working overtime during that period. And they've been doing it that way since 1973.
I brought 10 of those jerky sticks to work to. Some people were hesitant to try something that wasn't bought in a grocery store. But after their first bit their eye's rolled to the back of their head and said that is so good. All 10 were devoured in 5 minutes.
Definitely need more Freezer space...... craigslist is great for that. Nice looking stash of some good meat there.
Must be some azz backward okie law.....

Maybe. I thought us was an FDA (federal) guideline.

I did speak to an acquaintance Friday that knows a processor that will take them though. And he hunts them on a long time friend of mine's land. So hopefully I will get a freezer full of pork myself.
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