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Judge is tired

"I see on the Sierra Club's website that they want logging banned on National Forest lands. I have trouble believing that is really their position, because most everything else on their website I agree with, but that is what they are saying. "

Washinton Hunter,Now we see by Ithaca's post that he knew the sierra club's stance on logging?
Yet all we have been hearing from Ithaca is that there arent any org. that are out to ban logging?
He put out the challange to find org. that are against logging knowing full well they are out there------but he doesn't care because he knows he can come back with good old Ithaca spin he learned from Clinton LOL
(What's your definition of stopping logging er a I mean Sex)
MD4M, Please stop your constant lying about me. I never said there aren't any organizations that don't want to ban logging. If you can't quote me saying that you should apologize to me and everyone else in SI for your lie.

I knew about the Sierra Club and a couple others, I just didn't believe LA knew about any. He claimed the extreme groups ALL want to ban logging. I challenged him to find five and prove it and he still can't, even with the help he's getting.

Your continuous lies about my statements has caused you to lose ALL credibility. When challenged to prove your claims, you've never been able to produce ONE actual quote. Didn't your mother teach you not to lie?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 04-16-2003 08:44: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
IT== I figured everybody, except living under a rock or in denial, already knew about the SC and the SCDF, and I was waiting for youIT to prove it to ITself. But you won't beleive that any extreme org is out to ban commerical logging , on USFS or anywhere. But thanks to WH and others it has been proved, even to ITself.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 04-16-2003 10:56: Message edited by: Lostagain ]</font>
Lastagain ,I had some time this morning and I looked up Native Forest Network====NFN

NFN Objectives

Reduce wood consumption.

"the environmental community has now called for an end to logging on public lands."

The National Forest Protection and Restoration Act

"Ban raw forest exports including raw logs, woodchips and wood pulp."
"Ban commercial resources extraction on public lands including state, federal, and crown lands."

("end commercial logging and road construction, and actively restore damaged forest areas ")
This fits in with Ithacas challange to find org. that want to end all logging & allow public lands to revert to a natural state.

1.The sierra club
2.Native Forest Network

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 04-16-2003 11:12: Message edited by: Muledeer4me ]</font>
Tell ya what IT, list all the extreme enviro groups you can find and that should do it.
I know I will accept whatever groups the great IT declares as extreme, will fit the challenge.
Once again ole IT needs a hand up, grab on IT, we'll pull you UP.
Was is NOT credible about saying something and having others prove it? Is IT saying that the proof of others is NOT good enough? I don't know about everyone else, but to me proof is proof.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 04-16-2003 15:38: Message edited by: Lostagain ]</font>
LA, The challenge was to name five and PROVE it, remember? Just naming a few and not proving anything doesn't count.

Or, just for laughs, tell us you didn't mean ALL the extreme enviro orgs. when you said "They all believe that loggong should be banned...".

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 04-16-2003 17:02: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
3.Wildlands center for preventing roads.

"Wildlands CPR revives and protects wild places by promoting road removal, preventing road construction and limiting motorized recreation.


to fight road construction, deter motorized recreation, and
promote road removal and revegetation. We seek to protect native ecosystems and
biodiversity by recreating an interconnected network of roadless public wildlands."

Ithaca's challange is laughable,there are so many out there that fall under his challange.
5 groups that espouse a ban on logging,restrict or severly limit motorized travel ,and allow land to revet back to a natural state.

I have no problem with protecting roadless areas and true wilderness ,but here again we see an org. that is (removing roads limiting access trying to pass it off as roadless area's and calling it wilderness?)

Recreating wildlands?
by removing road's ,restricting motorized travel & allowing land to revert back to a natural state!!!
This org. also had a report about the damages from Mt Bike's.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Okay Ithaca, just what I thought. I do agree with their position on more fire being necessary for healthier forests. In fact I agree with most everything on their website. Looks like they are doing a lot of good. I think I read somewhere, a while back, that 20% of their members are actually hunters. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I would say that all logging should cease...LOL...Then the fires would really get bigger than they do now, this is job security in a huge way and wind fall for me...Would this then mean that I will be a wealfare fire fighter...LMAO!!!

I love this stuff!!!

It is all to late for the fires to just be let alone to do the job, it will take a concerted effort from "All" to bring this all back under control where the fires can be just let go and minimal management to keep them under control..
This post is not meant as a slam on any one or every one. Not even in the least, just putting a little info out there!!!
MD4M, This doesn't prove they are against logging: ""Wildlands CPR revives and protects wild places by promoting road removal, preventing road construction and limiting motorized recreation."

The FS removes roads, blocks them, plows them up and re-seeds them, allows land to revert to it's natural state, limits motorized recreation, and even prevents road construction, etc. Does that prove the FS is against logging?

You haven't proved a thing with your quotes, but I suppose your paranoia convinces you that you have.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 04-17-2003 08:38: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
# 3 & 4

" The suit also names two environmental groups as defendants, Superior Wilderness Action Network of St. Paul and Forest Guardians of Santa Fe, N.M. Both these groups have filed numerous appeals to federal actions, have delayed many projects on the Superior and are on record as demanding zero cuts on federal lands.

"groups with extreme zero-cut agendas. These groups, including SWAN and Forest Guardians, have both taken stands to stop all logging on all federal lands. We believe these groups are motivated by the belief system of ``deep ecology.'' "
Quote and challange from Ithaca,

["LA, Yup, you're wrong. Can you back up your claim with any quotes or links to websites or articles that prove you know what you're talking about this time? I doubt you can.

"They all beleive that logging should be banned on public lands, that motorized travel should be severely restricted or eliminated and that most public land should be allowed to revert to its "natural" state."

Name five groups that you think espouse that and prove it!"]

So Ithaca ,now you are saying the quote's and link's are not proof?
We covered Logging ban's,xero cut logging,restricted and severely limiting motorzied travel ,and letting area's revert back to natural.
What's not in there?

More quote's from Ithaca
["MD4M, Yup, you're irrelevant. Remember how you asked people about me who you thought might know me? Well, I've been doing some checking, myself. You're irrelevant.

You don't have any credibility either."]

Is that what this is all about ? Making sure we feel good about ourself and being relevent and credable in the eye's of hunttalk? Or is it mommy & daddy your still trying to please? LOL
Tisk Tisk Ithaca,we all know you are the only person on this forum that has the burning need to be placed on the pedastal and worshiped.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 04-17-2003 10:04: Message edited by: Muledeer4me ]</font>
It's just typical extremists' crap; agrue about nothing instead of the real issue.
The judge ordered a ten-day restraining order on 4/9. SC says the USFS will compensate the timber buyer, but that's only limited to the out of pocket expenses for move-out, less than $5000.
OK, You found five.

"What's not in there?" "ALL" isn't in there---here's what LA said, "They all beleive that logging..." Notice the word "ALL"? What you guys found is a long way from "all". Is it not?

MD4M, I'm still waiting for your proof or apology to everyone. "Your continuous lies about my statements has caused you to lose ALL credibility. When challenged to prove your claims, you've never been able to produce ONE actual quote." posted 04-16-2003 08:40

THAT'S why you're irrelevant and have no credibility---because you're a liar, and everyone here knows it by now.
"MD4M, I'm still waiting for your proof or apology to everyone. "Your continuous lies about my statements has caused you to lose ALL credibility. When challenged to prove your claims, you've never been able to produce ONE actual quote." posted 04-16-2003 08:40

THAT'S why you're irrelevant and have no credibility---because you're a liar, and everyone here knows it by now."

LOL I don't suggest you hold your breath waiting for my apology.(On second though Please do.)
ROFLMAO For my being so irrelevent
I sure seem to be able to get under your skin don't I.
I find it sooooooo funny that you are so obsessed with all of this.
You asked for 5 I gave you 5,there was lots more,but to quote you "I DONT HAVE TIME TO DO YOUR WORK FOR YOU,LOOK IT UP YOURSELF",Bucko.

Irrelevent ?I guess I am Ithaca.
All I have to show for this 47 year's on earth ,is a 30 marrage to a great guy ,a son and two of the finest grandkid's around.
More happy time's in the outdoor's then I can count,with more on the way.
Yep,give me Irrelevent any day.LOL
Over what? Being a grouchy old fart that seems to have missed out on the true finer thing's in life,and now has to PROVE it to the internet that he is relevent and by gosh he know's it all

I so pity you ,that you have become so stuck in your own little world that you have nothing left but to challange people over the freaking internet.
Oh Yeah,we are all running to trade place's with ya Ithaca LOL
Well, I sure hope those kids aren't liars. You set a real poor example for them.

I know it was a struggle to come up with five organizations, and I'm not going to double check whether or not you provided proof on all of them (which I kinda doubt), for lack of time. That sure isn't very many, considering we were told they ALL want to ban logging.

Yes, telling lies about me aggravates me, but you do more damage to yourself. You should be ashamed. You even bragged about telling lies about me to others!

"Ithaca,I ran into one of your buddies that was out collection signiture I told him I was going to sign, but I know this (Ithaca)guy and he knows everything and he told me not to sign it because it was a load of crap The guy about fell over and said (Ithaca) told you that? I just said yep and walked away." 04-15-2003 08:31

Anyone who would brag about telling a lie is a real lowlife!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 04-17-2003 22:15: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
Typical basher's crap, make up new angles instead of answering the question and dealing with the real issue.
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