PEAX Equipment

Jim Zumbo?????


Try a comprehension course.

What part of hunting and the 2nd amendment being seperate issues are you failing to grasp?

A couple easy examples so maybe you will "get" it.

In my home state of Wyoming, I cant hunt antelope or any other big-game with a 22 centerfire. I own and shoot a 22-250 all the time in Wyoming. By the State of Wyoming choosing to pass a state law making it illegal to hunt with a 22 centerfire, I dont believe the state is against the second amendment. Its a HUNTING REGULATION...not a violation of my right to own a 22 centerfire. For the record, my 22-250 is a model 70 winchester...just like my 338...the difference being one is a legal caliber to hunt big-game with the other not. I dont hold any contempt toward the state of Wyoming for passing hunting regulations. I also dont try to make hunting regulations a crusade for 2nd amendment rights. Zumbo wrote that he had concerns about how HUNTERS would be portrayed by the public if they were in the field HUNTING with assault weapons. Its a legitimate concern for HUNTERS.

Again, if Wyoming decides to make it illegal to hunt with an AR15 or an AK-47, its the exact same type of regulation. The same thing if they want to make it illegal to hunt with bolt-actions...THAT WOULD BE A HUNTING REGULATION...not a violation of the 2nd.

Hunting regulations have absolutely ZERO to do with the 2nd amendment.

I'm in agreement that as a U.S. citizen you should be allowed to own and shoot what you want...SHOOT what you want...not HUNT with what you want.

Hunters should be allowed to decide what types of firearms, what calibers, etc. they feel are acceptable to hunt with...and state regulations should/do/and will reflect that.
Buzz-you are avoiding my question thus you must suffer from low comprehension. AR-15, mini-14, mini-30 etc. shoot .308, .223 etc. just like any other hunting rifle. The only difference is the appearance. I totally understand hunting regs that limit caliber to make certain a killing round is used. So why would you want to restrict any gun that has the same killing power as another just to satisfy your Pelosi side?? Huh? Your arguement is illogical and is based on emotion IMO.

Has nothing to do with my Pelosi side...I dont want to limit what kind of weapon a person can own, shoot, or defend themselves with.

I have concerns over HUNTING...what kind of weapons are appropriate. I dont believe that AR-15's should be used for hunting big-game...I dont give a shit what caliber it is or how adequate it may be for hunting.

My concerns as a hunter are to ensure huntings future. If not allowing AR-15's to be used means the difference between hunting being allowed for even one more year...I'd vote to eliminate them for HUNTING in a heart-beat.

I'd also vote in a heartbeat to allow anyone to own an AR-15 to keep that right.

Same as caliber restrictions for hunting. I dont think its at all appropriate for hunters to be using 22 centerfires on elk, deer, or antelope. A majority of the hunters in Wyoming agreed, probably because of bad experiences and the poor decision making skills of others, and voted to not allow them to be used for hunting. The image of hunters using small calibers on large animals increasing wounding, etc. wasnt acceptable to the HUNTERS in Wyoming. Because some people are incapable of acting responsibly...laws need to be passed. It makes no sense for most HUNTERS to be using an AR-15 for hunting when they likely own a cabinent full of more appropriate firearms.

Like it or not...image is important to non-hunters and I firmly believe we have to be somewhat sensitive to that fact.

Things like AR-15 packing hunters, shooting animals in pens, etc. is in fact damaging to my privilege to hunt.

Hunting is not a guaranteed right under the constitution and because of that needs constant attention from HUNTERS if we want to keep the privilege intact. It may become necessary to take into consideration, the appearance of firearms we use for HUNTING.
It may become necessary to take into consideration, the appearance of firearms we use for HUNTING.

and where would that stop?
my guess would be everything other than a sling-shot.

how often does a non-hunter see someone's rifle?
.....close enough to the hunter to be able to get a good look at the rifle and be able to see what type it is.
if they are seeing your rifle, do us a favor and take a couple more steps from the road.

Things like AR-15 packing hunters, shooting animals in pens, etc. is in fact damaging to my privilege to hunt.

this statement by Zumbo may have done more damage than all of the above.
As a hunter (or a wannabe one) I did not get my panties in a wad about what Zumbo wrote. I knew the types who would and the outrage it caused among the shooters who hunt.
But what strikes me funny it that some of the "panties in a wad" are also the ones who would willingly disallow me to hunt with a crossbow during archery season or hunt over bait(although I don't YET). I probably could add a few but they really don't see themselves as the hypocrites they are. (I am going by what I have read on ALL the forums that I read)

Zumbo should have known better ..........I don't have to forgive him because he did not offend me.
Buzz- if you follow the logic that you are spouting in a few years you will be sitting in the woods with your dick in your hand because your rifles will be gone. I cannot believe any hunter would advocate taking away a gun for hunting use that is perfectly adequate. I saw a bunch of guys shooting those 30-06 bolts from the road during my deer hunt that had no idea what they were shooting at. The gun has nothing to do with hunting competence and the calibers are already clearly defined. You are getting real close to sniffing Sarah Bradys panties.

No, my rifles wont be gone...neither will your right to own an AR-15.

The privilege of hunting will be long gone way, way, way before that ever happens. It will happen thanks to thoughtless hunters...the types that think AR-15's, mini-30's, etc. are fantastic for hunting. The types that think shooting domestic elk in 10 acre pens is hunting, etc.

Dont bother coming to Wyoming to hunt any big-game...we've stripped your right to hunt big-game with perfectly adequate 22 centerfires. I can give you the email address to the WY Game and Fish...the Governor...etc.

Better contact the USFWS as well...dirty bastards dont let me use an 8 gauge for hunting waterfowl either! Plus, I cant even shoot ducks with lead shot anymore!

I cant believe any hunters would accept such unreasonable restrictions on perfectly adequate firearms and shot!

Maybe someday, have a third grader explain to you the difference between constitutional rights and hunting seem to be confused on the two.
You take what I said and try to establish me advocating shooting elk with a .22 or that I am confusing the privelege to hunt with a constitutional right? Reread this thread. You are taking Zumbo's idiotic statement to the extreme. Go ahead and play hall monitor to your fellow citizens. Advocate outlawing the AR-15 and Mini-30 for hunting. I am sure all those people will gladly repay you by advocating eliminating muzzleloaders and bows when the antis say those methods are not accurate enough or lack killing power. By the way you never admitted that you are advocating eliminating certain guns due to the way they look. I only hunt varmints with these guns but I would never give up my right to do so unless you give up the 308 and 223.

I dont need AR-15 or mini-30 owners defending my big-game hunting privileges.

Hunters need to be defending hunting...not owners of assault weapons.

Glad you brought up muzzleloader hunting...

Do you think with Idahos recent restriction on muzzleloaders (in-lines, scopes, etc.) that the in-line users are screaming 2nd amendment violations?

Do you think muzzleloader hunting is somehow threatened because muzzleloader HUNTERS want to put restrictions on how some muzzleloaders look (in-line VS open ignition)?

Better add them to your list of gun-grabbers.

Restricting equipment is a very common practice...caliber restrictions or making assault weapons illegal to difference. All are just equipment restrictions. You can still hunt and you can still own whatever kind of firearm you like. But you can only do both with certain types of firearms.

End of story.

Do you think with Idahos recent restriction on muzzleloaders (in-lines, scopes, etc.) that the in-line users are screaming 2nd amendment violations?

Do you think muzzleloader hunting is somehow threatened because muzzleloader HUNTERS want to put restrictions on how some muzzleloaders look (in-line VS open ignition)?

End of story.

A couple of the Idaho commisioners are starting to cave into the whining of the guys who own in-lines, and the commission is going to meet and see if they want to reconsider their decision.
So buzz, i have to ask... Do you look down on guys that use a BAR for hunting as well? Just want to know if it's all semi autos you cant stand or just ones that are ugly.
Just a opinion but i think that your opinions are a little scewed because of the terrain you hunt in most of the time. I tell you what, in thick brushy deer country a mini30 is a damn fine gun. I dont see no problem with someone using a short, light, and accurate short range weapon in the brush. And yes, I have used one for hunting deer myself. I usually use a bolt action 90% or the time but if i am still hunting in thick forested areas i dont want the hassle of a scope or extra poundage of my bolt. Am i a slob hunter in your opinion?
I didn't read the whole thing here, so somebody may have said this allready, but here it goes. I remember when i took my hunters safety class the warden who taught it saying a lot about the animals being given every advantage possible. Now that being said it is my belief that using a semiautoamtic weapon for hunting puts the ball just a little further into the hunters court.

I don't think we need to outlaw any weapon for hunting, but I respect the rules and regs that my state has in place, they make a lot of sense. I am sorry, but a .223 may be fast and light, but I can't in good taste shoot an elk with one.

Having a degree in Public Relations what Zumbo said was a joke. He is going to have a real hard time digging out of that hole. No matter who the hunter is we have to do our best to educate them. A responsible, hunter wouldn't use a weapon that won't do the job. What does the job can be argued, but if in doubt go a little bigger. My feeling is that if you are using a semi automatic weapon for big game you probably aren't that good of a shot anyway. To me it says that you need quicker shooting cause you can't hit the target in the first place.
GOD! I don't advocate using a .223 for big game. I am saying it is fine for varmints. How about a .308? My point is that if you are quick to get rid of any gun of equal caliber just because it looks nasty then you are sliding down the slope to Hillary Clinton's colon. Buzz is a perfect example of how gun rights will be lost in our country. The hall monitor/HOA syndrome is a hard one for some to quit.

Hunt with a semi-auto if you want.

Your justification for using one to still hunt through thick cover is a joke though. I've killed lots of elk and deer in thick cover while still hunting. Dog hair lodgepole, brush, you name it...all with a bolt and low power scopes. If you dont want to shoot a scope...they make plenty of bolt actions with open sights...last I checked.

Extra weight of a bolt...good lord...what are we talking about 4 oz's?

I sure hope I never get to the point where 5 oz's makes a difference for my ability to handle a firearm or pack the damn thing.

Ringer, argue all you want, but you're wrong about making certain calibers, ignition systems, ammo, styles of firearms, etc. illegal for hunting. Thats not gun control in any way, shape or form...just another hunting regulation.

If you think its gun control...file a lawsuit making your ridiculous claims about it being gun control and a threat to the second...see how fast it gets thrown out of every court in the country.

Also, have a third grader explain to you the difference between gun control and a hunting regulation.
So buzz is your bolt action a single shot? Whats the difference between the bolt action that holds 5 shots and a semi auto that holds 5 shots? My justification for using one wasnt a justification, more like a choice of weapons for what i feel works best without worrying about someones opinion of what i am carrying. So what makes your bolt action so much better than a mini 30 in brush?
I think your just over opinionated

Most of the bolts I shoot only hold 3 shots.

I dont care if you shoot a semi-auto at deer or I've already stated.

The point of the whole issue is that the NRA freaks are having an absolute meltdown by a comment someone made about assault weapons not belonging in a hunting camp. Thats an opinion on hunting, not an opinion about the merits of the 2nd amendment.

Am I opinionated on hunting? You damn right I am and other hunters better wake up and start using their own heads and making their own decisions regarding hunting, hunting regulations, etc.

Speaking of opinionated...for Christ sake I've had to listen to you whine, bitch and moan non-stop about the wealth tags in Utah, the costs of NR hunting licenses, etc. Are you just over-opinionated?

Instead of worrying about important hunting issues, they've made the decision to mob a HUNTER about his choice of words and his opinions on what a proper hunting rifle should be. The reason is because the NRA has brain-washed hunters that the gubmint is after their assault weapons.

Talk about opinionated and jumping to conclusions...Zumbo never said that people should not be allowed to own them. He said, in his opinion, assault weapons have no place in a hunting camp. I agree with him and I'd like to see them banned for hunting big-game. The NRA nut-jobs, who apparently cant read or lack comprehension skills, made the irrational jump that Zumbo wanted assault weapons banned from even being owned. He didnt say that, not even close.

I'm entitled to an opinion and I think Zumbo should be allowed his without facing a firestorm of irrational NRA wackos that cant differentiate between hunting regulations and their right to keep and bear arms.
So buzz, lets take everything you have an opinion on down one notch. What if somebody starting saying that only flint lock muzzle loaders and single shot rifles are the only thing that belong in the field. I bet you would be defending your right to hunt with a bolt action rifle. That person would say that you have the right to own a bolt action rifle but it shouldn't be used for hunting because it is too modern and holds too many rounds.
I just don't think YOU are the one that understands that your opinion shouldn't be something that rules are made from.

Quote " You damn right I am and other hunters better wake up and start using their own heads and making their own decisions regarding hunting, hunting regulations, etc."
That means they have the right to use the rifle they feel is best for them? I guess you really confused me with that one. One minute your telling us that semi autos like a mini 30 should not be used for hunting, the next your saying that we need to make our own decisions regarding hunting.
For me, bottom line is if some freak wants to use any weapon is fine with me as long as the guy uses it in a matter that the animal is hunted fair, hunted within the law, and not wasted.

Sorry to confuse you...apparently you dont follow logic well.

A majority of the people up in arms about Zumbo's statement are accusing him of being anti-gun and against the second amendment.

The guy has been a member of the NRA longer than you've been alive.

Thats what I made the comment about. Hunters, and in this case, even gun owners, are not using their own heads. They're being influenced by a group of crack-pot second amendment freaks that are spinning Zumbos words to justify they're own crappy existence and cause. For the tenth time...Zumbos comments were not about the second amendment. Yet, the NRA freaks are hanging the guy out to dry for making comments about what is and is not IN HIS OPINION a proper firearm for hunting.

Most are not using their heads and thinking in a rational short they just flat dont understand the issue. Look at Ringer for example. He thinks hunting regulations limiting certain firearms is the same as gun control and against the second amendment.

You can try to spin the story with your "logic" on flint locks and single shots all day long. You're wasting your time and my time with that fantasy land crap.

Most hunters are smart enough to realize what kind of firearms they consider acceptable to hunt big-game with. I've never known a single hunter in my life that would argue that a mini-30 or an AR-15 is a better choice...or even an appropriate choice...over the various models of HUNTING rifles that are on the market. You can shit yourself about how great the various assault weapons are for hunting...but dont try to shit me about it...because I know better and it just aint true.

I agree with Zumbo 100%...assault weapons have no place in a big-game hunting camp...and rest assured there will never be one in my camp...and I wont share a camp with any wing-nut that has one in theirs.

Carry one with your ridiculous defense of assault weapons for big-game and how great they are. Bring your mini-30 with you on your next serious big-game hunt if you think they're such a great choice for hunting.

What a joke.