Caribou Gear Tarp

Jacob's chukar hunt Jan 29th

Idaho Ron

New member
Dec 24, 2000
southern Id
On Saturday Jan 29th was Jacob's last chance at a chukar. Jacob is my 10 year old son in his first season of hunting. I picked a spot off the map and programed my GPS to take us there. When we got there it was apparent I had made a mistake. I normally find a spot on the map then I check it out on a Satellite photo I get off the internet. The cover was so short I knew we would not be able to get close to the birds. We went for a short walk and got into a spot that had just a small patch of brush and sure enough Gretta went on point.
I told Jacob stay with Gretta. If she moves you move, if she stays still walk by her and look hard in the brush for chukar. Jacob is not real good at wing shooting so I was going to have him ground swat them if he got the chance.
I headed for the rim and cut the birds escape route off. Jacob followed Gretta on one of her traveling points. Soon she was locked solid and I knew the birds were holding. Jacob pulls up the gun and shoots. I see birds flopping and they flush. He shoots again and I see a bird fall from the air.
Gretta took off after a cripple and I walked over to Jacob. I picked up a bird on the ground and soon Gretta was delivering a bird. I was in the middle of giving him a high five when Gretta brings in another bird. Jacob got three birds with two shots. This was by far his best chukar hunt of the year. Not long after this we saw a herd of Bighorn sheep. This was Jacob's first time seeing Bighorns. We also saw a couple hunderd head of Pronghorns and about 500 sage hens. It was a great day for a young hunter, and dad too. Ron

Congrats!! Looks like he had a great time!

so I was going to have him ground swat them if he got the chance.
Now, didn't you give me some flak for 'sluicing' a few birds?? ;) :D
Sounds like a top day with father, son, the great outdoors and man's best friend. Doesn't get much better does it? Congrats to all of you.:cool: :)
1 pointer, the difference is he is 10 :rolleyes:
I got to laugh a bit. I told him about you being "captain sluicer" I told him he could be "boy wonder sluicer"!
Yeah, I may be older, but this is still my first year actually hunting birds. I don't count my formative years of sluicing doves off phone lines! ;)

I have no problem with him shooting them when he can. I'm just glad he's out hunting. Good job.
With Chukar it's not ground sluicing if they're on a dead run with all their toes off the ground !!
What a great day , nice going Jake .
Again, nice work Ron. Way to go on getting the youngsters hooked. Is your daughter, (the one with the big bull elk mag article) still into hunting?
no she found out that boys are much more fun than dad. She might later after the lure of boys chnges to the hatred of a husband. Ron

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