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It's about the money...


New member
Nov 28, 2001
Oil and natural gas drilling will pump up Wyo.'s coffers

By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY
Wyoming, the state with the fewest people, has one of the nation's biggest budget surpluses.
The state has built a $500 million cushion largely because it's a hotbed of drilling for oil and natural gas. High energy prices have sent tax revenue from oil and gas soaring. Wyoming expects to add another $500 million to the surplus by June 30, 2006.
The projected $1 billion windfall is worth about $2,000 for each of the state's 501,000 residents. "We are in an enviable position," budget director Mike McVay says.
Finances have improved in most states because of spending restraint, tax hikes and a growing economy. But Wyoming isn't just recovering - it's swimming in money.
Democratic Gov. Dave Freudenthal has proposed spending about $700 million of the surplus to build and repair schools and prisons; increase aid to local government; and raise pay for state workers.
McVay says Wyoming has a backlog of spending needs because of lean times in the 1990s, when oil and gas prices were low. The state had a $600 million budget shortfall in 1999.
Republicans, who control the Legislature, have given mixed reviews to the governor's plan.
Republicans in the state House of Representatives have suggested spending only one-third of the $1 billion. They would put the rest of the money in reserve funds.
"The last time we had a huge deficit, everyone said, 'Oh please, Lord, let us have a boom again and we promise not to squander it,' " says Republican House Majority Leader Randall Luthi of Freedom, Wyo. "I hope we can remember that pledge."
Tax cuts are unlikely. Wyoming has a 4% sales tax and no income tax. The state is reluctant to cut the sales tax because it is paid mostly by tourists, Luthi says.
The Legislature convenes Feb. 9.
"It's going to be fun," House Speaker Fred Parady says. "We can set Wyoming's future."
schools, prisons, local government, and pay raises.

Nothing about the environment and tourism/hunting yet. Must not be a problem there or is that just not said yet or what?
What a great thing for Wyoming. That state has really gotten beat up in the past. Its funny how the democratic Gov is more than happy to spend the evil oil money. I wonder if Halaburton is behind this devious plan? :rolleyes:
!!!Wait!!! Hole the boat!!!
It's not really about the money. Money doesn't run this country. It is an evil that some just don't think any one else should have because it just wouldn't be fair... Well ceptin for them of course... ;)
It's not really about the money. Money doesn't run this country. It is an evil that some just don't think any one else should have because it just wouldn't be fair... Well ceptin for them of course...
Where in the hell did that come from? I would challenge you to find a post, on any thread, on any forum here, where those words are spoken.

I think the issue is whether or not money was the central issue in governing public lands. :rolleyes:

I think it was Buzz, just yesterday as a matter of fact that said some thing to that effect. Don't read to much into it Nemont, it was said tounge in cheak.
Wasn't it just you today for a matter of fact that was saying some thing about me not understanding the basics of the topics at hand, or some thing pretty close and I should just but out. I may not know the whole subject, but it doesn't matter what the subject, certain things alway's stay the same, and it was to those forces that I was referring to. I can look it up and re-post it, unless some one runs and edits their stuff....
Some of the concept I posted earlier that seemed to bring the wrath of a certain sect of the board upon my head stated I didn't have any idea of what I was talking about.
The concept to bring a few to the present, is the fact that the Government/Private sector is alway's doing what they do because of the money.
Where ever the money comes from. I can see this amount of money making every beurocrat in the region drooling all over themselves, and every private industry that is tied to what ever it is trying to get their fingers in it, investing huge sums on both sides to make it happen....
Will the environment take it in the Butt because of it, probably, will the residence and every one involved make out, probably, will there be envious people sitting back because they can't get their mits into the pot... More than likely.
Ideology is a great thing, and rises to lofty goals, but when big money comes into play, ideals and dreams are pushed to the side for the almighty buck.
It may get stifeled and slowed down on occassion, but even the Spotted owl thing that almost single handedly stopped logging couldn't hold out to time. Nothing no matter how lofty can hold out to such a powerful force.
I didn't make the rules, I don't have to like them, I could attack innocents because of it, but I nor you or the rest on this board will change that fact, but I do accept them and can understand why it happens. Not losing sleep for the battles I can not win, but to work on those I can...
Your right land management should be about mushrooms and hemp clothes and forest pixies. Economies and homes and water shouldn't have any part of the decision making process, that might be a conflict of interest. Druidism and nature worship arn't a conflict of interest.

Could you get some money, so you can buy a clue???

Do you even understand what the article you posted was about?

(And by the way, given that it is 4 months old, how about an update on this topic, as you must hold it dear....)
I didn't realize I held it any where. I had saved some things and just found them to post....
Why don't you find an update, is it going to be changed all that much? ;)
I would suppose not enough to make a big uproar over, a very silly thing to pick a fight on, the concept isn't going to change even the least bit if you had actually read what I just posted a bit ago...
Wasn't it just you today for a matter of fact that was saying some thing about me not understanding the basics of the topics at hand, or some thing pretty close and I should just but out
I said this.
Just a little advice for you. Sometimes it is better to be thought a fool then to open your mouth (or post on a forum) and remove all doubt.

I don't think post counts are a very good reason to wade into a discussion you are ill informed about. I also don't think hatred has anything to with some replys you get. I think frustration is a more accurate word.


Just as I guessed, you didn't have a clue about what the article was about....

Remember, you have two eyes, and only one keyboard. Maybe you could do some more reading and less posting.

Try reading the article YOU posted and then see what the follow-up should be.
I don't think post counts are a very good reason to wade into a discussion you are ill informed about

Thanks very much for making saving me from getting it...
I didn't wade into any part of any of these debates I didn't know about, only those parts I did... If you like, you could go back thru every thing I have posted and for the life of me, I couldn't remember stateing about the meat of the topic, only an aspect of it. I have never named names or places, nor have I dwelled on the nuances of the topic at hand.
But as seems to be the norm, if one posts on a portion of it, then they must be posting on the whole of it... Come on now, lets not read so much into what's said, this only creates anxiety on your part.
So Elkcheese,

What was the part of this article that YOU posted on, that you were commenting on?

Have you been able to read what YOU posted yet???
You may want to go back and reread again. You state in the CBM thread that you post to keep your posts count up.

that is where this quote come from.
I don't think post counts are a very good reason to wade into a discussion you are ill informed about
I think you have things to add to a discussion but some of your responses seem like you haven't been paying attention to the topic at hand.

I guess if your goal is 20,000 posts then have at it.

Wyoming is currently enjoying a budget surplus, how fast do you think it could go the other way? Ask some people around Sidney and Glendive what happens when there is a market adjustment in the price of oil or natural gas. Wyoming deserves the tax revenue they are recieving but remember they are 4 short budget years removed from a $600 million budget deficit.

The article was not written from a wildlife and tourism angle but from a press release from the Wyoming dept of revenue painting a rosy picture of the states finances.

Perhaps you should go to the some of the sites dealing specifically with CBM habitat destruction.

Elkcheese said, "is the fact that the Government/Private sector is alway's doing what they do because of the money."


Really, everything is about money in the private sector and for the government?

Then why, in the world would the government lease BLM lands to welfare ranchers at a loss? Why would the FS sell timber below cost? Why would the Gov. build fish killing dams that COST taxpayers billions in fish recovery efforts, subsidized grain transport, etc. etc. etc.

Why would a private corportation DONATE money to charity?

I'm really sorry that your simple mind doesnt comprehend that some people, corporations, government programs, etc. are not just about the "all mighty" dollar.

Also, read what I wrote about public lands. What I said was that Natural Resource Laws, Acts, and the agencies in charge of public lands are not in existance to:

1. Supply anyone with a livelihood.
2. Managed in a way for the Gov. or Tax Payer to maximize profit.
3. Supply Natural Resources to Corporate America...with no regard for other uses.

Read the acts, read the laws, and you'll understand.

You're problem is that you arent informed, you listen to too much A.M. radio, and type before you engage the noggin.

Then you get all worked up because everyone "targets you."

Take some advice from above, much of it is good.
Yep, some good, some bad, I will take it all in stride and move on.
I'm not going to get in a pissing match over a lot of this stuff for the same reasons you don't wade into every thing, it's not worth the fight, you can take it however you want. ;)
And yes, maybe some of that is my problem and yours is the fact you can't see outside the box. ;)

I suppose I should have been a little more specific for your benifit. Or put part of this into my signature so I don't have to continue saying it over and over, but then again, some love to see repitition. I don't believe there is a topic any one can put up, as a general rule, especially where nature is concerned, that can have absolute rules, (except
Originally posted by ELKCHSR:
Yep, some good, some bad, I will take it all in stride and move on.
I'm not going to get in a pissing match over a lot of this stuff for the same reasons you don't wade into every thing, it's not worth the fight, you can take it however you want. ;)
And yes, maybe some of that is my problem and yours is the fact you can't see outside the box. ;)

I suppose I should have been a little more specific for your benifit. Or put part of this into my signature so I don't have to continue saying it over and over, but then again, some love to see repitition. I don't believe there is a topic any one can put up, as a general rule, especially where nature is concerned, that can have absolute rules, (except
Can we get a translator in here? Anyone????

Why don't you answer anybody's questions, about YOUR post? Don't be so defensive, and feel like a victim all the time.

Why not state your opinion, so that the rest of us can understand it, instead of hiding behind a bunch of runon phrases and pronouns?

Do you even know what the original article YOU posted was about???
Elkgunner, isn't this it. Buzz says its values more than money. Elkchsr showed there's money behind this oil/wildlife issue to weigh against the values. Buzz says there's something out there besides the money, but won't tell us what it is. Neither one of them wants to discuss it much here.

The other thing. If you say apply pie and motherhood is good, then somebody comes back and says apple pie has got a lot of sugar and calories and that's bad and look at this mother who had an abortion and killed some people.

What do you think?

I think Dubya relaxed the State of Texas' drinking water standards a bit too much where your drinking water source comes from....

You might want to get your water tested for Heavy Metals...