It's about the money...

Just imagined I would suppose Tom... ;) It's the great far right wing conspiracy thing...

gunner, if I was writing a book, I would probably worry about grammer and punctuation.... ;)
But since this is the internet, and it really isn't relevent, I'm not going to worry about it...
I would also mention that when I see you worried on your posts about the owner of the boards about grammer, then I may put some weight to your concerns.

That was very well stated Tom, and exactly the way it is, no matter what any one else may try to read into it.
I know the 1.1 ppb for Flouride is near optimal. That prevents cavities and whitens teeth a little. If it gets to high, it causes mottling of the teeth and they can get black after many years.

A friend has a cabin up by Lake Medina. When he put in his well at about 350 ft I think he said, he sent samples from the well and from dipping out of the lake at the shore. They both came back the same. He's an internationally known dentist, has written 7 books on dental topics, and has people from all over the world visit him at that cabin. He goes there and writes sometimes. None of them have got the runs from drinking the water. That's not even the cleanest lake in Texas. The cleanest lake is Lake Amistad, its also one of the biggest in the state, and they even have some public hunting there too. The Lake Amistad Marina there participates in the voluntary Clean Texas Marina program.

Its so clean, we wash with coldwater, but coldwater down here is not exactly cold. Here's a story about it.

A man went to visit his 90 year old grandfather and while eating the breakfast of eggs and bacon prepared for him, he noticed a film-like substance on his plate. So he says, "Grandfather, are these plates clean?" His grandfather replies, "Those plates are as clean as cold water can get them, so go on and finish your meal." That afternoon, while eating the hamburgers his grandfather made for lunch, he noticed many little black specks around the edge of his plate so again he asked, "Grandfather are you sure these plates are clean?" Without looking up from his burger, the grandfather says, "I told you those dishes are as clean as cold water can get them, now don't ask me about it anymore." Well, later that day, they were on their way out to get dinner. As he was leaving the house, grandfather's dog who was lying on the floor started to growl and would not let him pass. "Grandfather, your dog won't let me out." Without diverting his attention from the football game he was watching, his grandfather shouted, "Coldwater, get your ass out of the way!"
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