Ithaca supports extending....

I support the Clearwater deer tag. If anybody wants to go north and kill a late season whitetail they should hunt the Jack Pine Flats by Preist Lake. That tag keeps you southerners south were you's belongs.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> MD and Mule on top making Ithaca look silly??? That's certainly not the view from this planet.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
So what planet you actually from???

Your a "NAME"!!
There I called you one and so it will be!!!
I'm thinking purely in the hunter/tourist $$$'s that the Clearwater Region has forgone by implementing the clearwater tag. Our local economies up north could use the monies of hunters weekending up here instead of down there. Let them have their isolationist (learned that from the History Channel) tag, and bring your guns and money up north to hunt whitetail.
"I'll tell ya what. In the last day you've seen Mule and MD4M try to criticize me for things they were completely wrong about. They took something I said and applied it to a different circumstance that didn't have anything to do with what I was commenting on. In each case they didn't have any idea what they were talking about. In each case it was done only to harrass me. How'd you all like to have to deal with that kinda crap all the time from two people so stupid? What if I didn't expose their lies? Would you accept what they said as the truth? How about if I start telling lies about some of you, and do it repeatedly? How will you react after ignoring that type of behavior for over a year? "

,HaHaHa ,
This is rich.
Lets see now Ithaca,we could turn this around and point about how many times you have been wrong and lied about some of us or the ATV club and riders.
How many times YOU have taken what someone has said and applied it to different circumstances?
How many time you have put the spin on our posts? LOL
If you didn't expose there lies !!!!
Someone would take is as the truth?
How about if we aren't exposing your falsehoods everyone might take it as the truth.
You just dont get it LOL Its not all about what Ithaca think's .
Maybe we do need that name changed to(Ithaca's Issue's)
Dont forget Ithaca it was YOU that emailed me telling me you were comming after me!!!!
Remember? That you were smarter,know more they everyone,were out to make everyone else look like the fool they were?
It's you who make others feel like they cant be involved in the issues down here because your always telling people how stupid they are ,how they cant spell,how beneath you they are.
Well Ithaca I dont give a rats ass what you think about me,or if I can or cant spell,or pass a test ,and I dont care if any of the posters can do those thing's,the point is we all have the right to post here without some POMPAS ASS telling us how stupid we are.
You by your very nature like to cut others out ,devide them and try to build yourself up by putting others down.
You can't take it that someone stands up to you ,that anyone would have the gall to question you ,the almighty Burk!!!!
That Nut would even have to post that ,or think like that, or not get involved because people like you have to try to show what a big man on campus you think you are makes me SICK.
You really think that because you can spell better or type better that MAKES YOU better.
It takes more then that to make a MAN BURK and you havent got what it takes!!!!!!
It take's more then telling everyone how Good you are to get respect.

Nut you are the man

Ithaca can't stand up against any one of you men that post here ,no matter how much schooling he has had or how well he spell's ,or how many animals he has killed ,he just doesnt get it!!!!!
He can't even look back at the other site where people didnt like him because of his pompas ass posting and see that it just could be his own fault that people don't care for him.
Take a good long look at yourself Ithaca ,before you start ripping at others.
Look no farther then to your post about someone you didnt even know and you call him name's, Fat,lazy,stupid,the list goes on.
How does it feel to be so much better then everyone else Ithaca?
All I know is I have more respect for Ithaca than you MD4ME, by a long shot.

Very seldom, if ever, do you post anything except something like the above, which doesnt bring anything to the board.

Its pretty obvious that Ithaca has done more good for wildlife and its management than you, by a long shot. You arent even in the same league, but to make YOURSELF, look important, you slam his accomplishments. I'm thankful and glad there's people like Ithaca out there, they provide hunting opportunity and take the time to understand what they're supporting. Rather than slam him, you should be thanking him for giving a shit about wildlife enough to stick with promoting it, even though theres tons of ungrateful dingbats like you who only take and criticize.

He's also spent the time to educate himself on the issues, knows the issues, and posts accordingly...and provides some solid proof.

You on the other hand, rarely post anything with proof, you shoot from the hip, and open your mouth before you engage the brain. If not doing that, then you make stuff up as you go.

I would think if Ithaca is so far off base you'd be able to shut him up fast with all the facts you have to the contrary of what he posts??? Yet, that just isnt the case.

Your last post is proof positive that while you run around spouting BS, he'll be busy making things happen. You either make dust or eat dust...your smile looks kinda filthy.
Somebody get Ithaca a bigger hat, and get BUZZ a cast for his hand (I think he may have broken it patting Ithaca on the back so hard).

BUZZ, I think you reverted to the very thing you were calling MD4M.
Ten bears, I dont think so.

MD4ME is your stereo-typical western hunter.

Bitch about everything but do nothing to help it, including slamming people who do.

As far as patting Ithaca on the back, I'd do the same for anyone who has accomplished similar things.
Ten, If Buzz where to post any then that would set off MD4M again. Besides, you know some and that's enough.

MD4M's diatribe is full of outright lies and she knows it. I'm amazed at her lack of ethics!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-14-2003 12:12: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
I'd think without posting them, we're likely to see a list that you didn't do (like create the internet, oh that was Gore).

Never did hear. Were you able to get the quail season extended? Or was that shot down due to the low populations you cited?
Mule, have you decided to try hunting on your own? Or are you still hiring guides to take the easiest animals in Colorado. I havent heard yet.
I would LMAO if Mule deleted this thread because of the namecalling and insults. Wonder how pissed the others would be then because nothing is getting accomplished.

Buzz you criticizes Mule for using guide, Why? Would you criticize me if I went to Wyoming and hired a guide for the wilderness because It is the law there? And if you wouldnt,then why criticize Mule if he did?

Seems like other are full of themsleves on this thread.

If I knew for sure that Marland would be on later I would lock it until he saw this bunch of childish posting

Yes that was namecalling . But it is a behaviour not a person.

Geez I need to get some education so I can type out some coherent posts
Yeah I've seen it Nut but I don't want to be called a NAZI or a LIAR , or be accused of protecting people so, I'll let it stand. If some people want to call names they can get what they give.

Oh yeah, using a guide in an area where required.. kind of a poor reference don't you think? If I lived out west I wouldn't use guide, I'd get out and check it for myself , I know you would too Nut but, living where we do we'd probably be forced to ue an outfitter or hunt with friends that are familiar to an area.
Nut and mars.. you ever get out to MT, I show where the elk are in the sagebrush.... it's not really hunting b/c ya don't have to walk 60 miles but for the most part you are alone b/c most folks think you're nuts and don't want to be within rifle range.
Nut, I'll tell you why, you arent an asshole toward just about everyone else on the board, for starters. What Marland said for another.

Mule was just bashing Ithaca for having an informed opinion on quail in I returned the favor in kind. He pretends to know about hunting and questions someone elses judgement when: 1. he doesnt have a clue what he's talking about 2. Doesnt live anywhere near Idaho 3. probably doesnt know the difference between a quail and pumpkin 4. Very obviously doesnt know anything about the dynamics of upland birds, especially those in Idaho, which Ithaca has hunted for many years.

Mule posts crap like that just for the purpose of being the true drunken ass he is...

If he really knew anything about quail in Idaho and disagreed fine, but that isnt the case. He isnt proving anything and provides nothing positive...ever.

Therefore, if he wants to bash Ithaca for his stance on quail, I'll bash him for needing a guide to find the only solid white big-game animal that lives above timber line in Colorado.

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