Kenetrek Boots

Isn't it time for a BIG ELK Contest??

Frequently Banned Troll

Well-known member
Dec 19, 2000
Under the Bridge
OK seasons almost over. Some folks got elk. Some folks don't. Still a day left in MT's elk season, so some unfilled guys have a chance...

Let's say highest "official" gross scoring bull gets a free trip to the Bahamas with 5 hot strippers, 10,000.00 cash, and a new Lexus.. that, or maybe a Moosie's web-site hat.
I didn't know they had stipers in the Bahamas? I thought they only had billfish and bonefish..

You are talking about fishing aren't you?

I think thats a GREAT Idea...
I'm guesing this late in there would be NO last min entrys
I'd be willing to throw a hat in for the cause....

HELL, I'll throw in a Nights stay at the Aniversary inn in Boise and 2 tickets to the DHI banquett in FEB.


Here's my entry....

AZ guys should get to use the elk they got from their last tag, we don't get to hunt every year......sounds fair to me
OK.. but it has to be a Rifle kill ;)

LOL STAN, I'll give you 2 free tickets to the BAnquate if you come up for it.. BUt not the nights stay. Although I'd let you sleep at my place :cool:
Does anyone know a offical measurer that has 15" missing off the end of his tape measure? That is my only chance to keep up with you guys!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-01-2002 07:08: Message edited by: Idaho Ron ]</font>
OK I'll quit whinning about the contest. Oscar my plate is full in Feb. I'll be in Reno twice and turn 30. I'd seriously love to make it up there.

Greeny I'm at 367 4/8 with the 35 point AZ penalty.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moosie:
AZ402... Sorry, But I'm guessing thats not enough :D :D

HEY I'm turning 30 in JAN 28th !!!

hahaha.....good gawd..thats half of 60

Will not be long till I can make fun of your GREY hair :D :D
Alright I've had it!! I'm just going to have to move to Montana if I ever want to get one of those hats. Well-on the other hand, who wants to pack a big ass heavy rack like that all the way out of the woods just for a hat anyway!! ;) I'de just leave it and buy the hat. :D
let me tell ya about my bull from this year--well first off I'd like to post a pic--but it's so damned big it won't fit--so you will have to believe--I am a honest person, so this shouldn't be a problem--did I say big--well I'm mistaken it's huge--largest bull to date every taken or seen by man, woman and child---the score is ----well I can't tell ya as my 1/4" tape isn't large enuff to measure the thing--ok I'll post a pic and here it is:

well I can't believe it won't show up here-well I guess it's because it's a very big BULLshit story as I didn't go elk hunting this year so it's in my dreams--congrats to all those who were successful or were just out there hunting to enjoy ma Nature---chris
Well, I've got a 367 3/8 if you add the 35 points for Arizona and I'll be 57 on January 28th. That's a lot closer to 60 than 30 is....

What's wrong with this picture. All these people having birthdays in January?
I think too many parents stayed home during the cold months.
Flipper, I'm 42 and have enough gray hair for every one on this board.
Dan, I think if you add on the 35 pts for my elk being from AZ, I must be up to 100 pts by now for my 1st one. Check out the pictues when delw gets them posted.
LMAO at all the humor.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by csutton7:
let me tell ya about my bull from this year--well first off I'd like to post a pic--but it's so damned big it won't fit--so you will have to believe--well I guess it's because it's a very big BULLshit story as I didn't go elk hunting this year so it's in my dreams-----chris<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

well i guess its the bull of your dreams then!!!!!!!!! :D
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