Isn't it your Job to copy the Pictures in the Kill pages TK ? Didn't you get the Moderator check yet ?~?~? Can I bribe you with a T-shirt or something to copy the Stories down there ? Lemme know, people are slackers.. Ohhh wait, I haven't copied my Deer story down there yet either
No one ever showed me how to move the topics down to that section or else I would have done it. Just tell me how and I'll get busy. As far as the 5 people I was talking to I said "people" not "friends", I'm not trying to kid anyone!!
Maybe, just maybe the people's are out killing a few elk , instead of sitting here at the computer makin up stories about killin elk. Or maybes they are out not killin elk, but are having a great time because they are out. Out there instead of here rattlin on the damn puter.
MAYBE, Just MAybe Some of us can't get out as much as others. MAybe also, there is closed seasons and Some people got SKUNKED (Like me). this year I'll only have been out hunting 78 days.