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Iowa getting in on the legislative BS


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2016
Not to be outdone Iowa is getting in on the stupid legislative bills. Yes I know we're mostly concerned with Western Hunting here but I imagine a few of you would like to come hunt whatetails here with Tiffany and Lee.

Link to the bill: HF 60
This is the bill that sets aside 500 NR either sex tags for NRs that have reservations with an outfitter, aka "business entity". Of course we don't have registered or licensed outfitters here so pretty much anyone can call them selves an outfitter. I believe this bill is out of the sub and going in front of the whole committee Monday.

Link to the bill: SF 427
This ones a real peach. It has far reaching implications for deer and deer hunting in Iowa.
Reduce fine for shooting an antlerless deer from $1500 to $50. EDIT. Reduce the restitution. There would still be fines.
Mandates a January Antlerless Season for any county with unsold doe tags and allows center fire rifles from .223 to .500.
Allow depredation tags to be filled during in September, October, November and December.
Requires DNR to conduct a deer population study to determine the estimated deer population in each county in this state. Doesn't say so but I expect it's so they can up antlerless quotas.

HSB 158. Link to the bill: Crossbow
This bill would allow the use of a crossbow in the late split of the archery season. Currently the crossbow is allowed as an alternate method of take under a late muzzle loader tag. The change would be that a crossbow could be used with an archery tag. Crossbow bills have been beaten back here year after year but Raven hired lobbyist this year and appear to be getting their $ worth. Out of Sub and going to full committee Monday.

Link to the bill: HF 406 now HF550
This bill would add shotguns and straight wall rifles to the NR holiday season. Currently the only allowed methods of take for this season are muzzleloaders, hand guns and bows (the only weapons legal at that time for resident). The non resident season runs from December 24th through January 2nd and only antlerless deer may be taken. How this one could get any traction is beyond me but it has legs. It is out of committee.

These are just a few of the trash being brought out this year. There was one that would have done away with Teal Season but it looks to have been withdrawn due to backlash. About the only time that's happened so far.
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Bunch of junk there.

I really wish they would pass an “Iowa native” license or something similar to Montana’s system for allowing people from Iowa to come back and hunt deer. I’m sure lots of people like me can’t quite rationalize the $700 to come shoot a whitetail on their parents’/family’s private land.

Full disclosure: I’m probably just being whiny, and would likely pay it if I lived somewhere with worse hunting than Iowa.
Bunch of junk there.

I really wish they would pass an “Iowa native” license or something similar to Montana’s system for allowing people from Iowa to come back and hunt deer. I’m sure lots of people like me can’t quite rationalize the $700 to come shoot a whitetail on their parents’/family’s private land.

Full disclosure: I’m probably just being whiny, and would likely pay it if I lived somewhere with worse hunting than Iowa.
Is $700 the actual price for a NR whitetail tag?
Is $700 the actual price for a NR whitetail tag?

I had to look again to remember the exact number. The tags and associated licenses come out to $644 to shoot a doe and an either sex (have to be bought together). My home area would also require 2-3 preference points at $60 each.
Huh. Not terrible, but all of a sudden I feel a tad less sympathy for NR complaining about the price of elk licenses.
If a whitetail tag with limited to no public land and 3 year wait is =$700ish then elk with high public land and access should easily be 3x that! Maybe the$1100 arguement was way under priced. This is just getting stupid!
The limited public land is a big part of the problem with this. You can have a good hunt on public land here because of tag limitations. If this passes residents will lose access. What little public land we have will become over-pressured quickly.

I understand many on here have a dislike for Midwest/Eastern hunting, whitetail hunting, all that. Bu there are many people who actually do enjoy whitetail hunting. I have been converted a bit. Hunting the rut here is one of the better experiences I have had. I thought we were all in this together advocating for public land, wildlife, conservation, and all the other stuff we love to say?
The limited public land is a big part of the problem with this. You can have a good hunt on public land here because of tag limitations. If this passes residents will lose access. What little public land we have will become over-pressured quickly.

I understand many on here have a dislike for Midwest/Eastern hunting, whitetail hunting, all that. Bu there are many people who actually do enjoy whitetail hunting. I have been converted a bit. Hunting the rut here is one of the better experiences I have had. I thought we were all in this together advocating for public land, wildlife, conservation, and all the other stuff we love to say?
Provincialism is alive and well on Hunttalk...
A lot of these bills seem to be being pushed by insurance and farm bureau who make no qualms about lowering the deer herd population in Iowa. Here are my thoughts, take it for what its worth.

Hf 60 - Part of the reason Iowa is not overrun by outfitters, out of state absentee landowners and lease holders is because of the quota on nr tags. The number of outfitters, absentee landowners and lease holders could drastically increase if an outfitter, landowner or lease holder knows they will get a tag. Only 35% of the 500 reserved nr tags will be archery if i read that correctly.

sf 427 - what a f***ing joke. The maximum fine is barely/never given anyways. Its not even worth the C.O's time to right the ticket and do the paperwork for a $50 fine.

hsb 158 - I know this is a hotbutton issue. I could really care less if someone is using a crossbow during an archery season.

hf 406 - allowing the nr's to use firearms that residents can't use is not right. I don't mind using straight wall rifles, but would be opposed to using high power rifles to increase the amount of deer. Modern slug shotguns or muzzleloaders can shoot just as well as or better then a straightwalled cartridge. I am opposed to opening the late season to anything beyond what is open to now.

A quick note on Iowa's public land. I grew up hunting and fishing on Iowa's public land. I never knew any different. Iowa does not have any National Forest or BLM land. But we do have several federal wildlife refuges and US Army Corps of engineers land that is open to hunting. Iowa also has a DNR that has done very well with what they are given. Most residents of the state are within an easy drive of multiple State wildlife management areas. Iowa is working hard with private landowners on the IHAP program. And possibly the best kept secret in Iowa is the County Conservation Board System. Iowa has a county conservation board in all 99 counties who manage public land for recreation including hunting and fishing, most people would agree that the county conservation system in Iowa is the best in the country.
It is possible to take a limit of pheasants, or ducks or even shoot a boone and crockett whitetail deer on Iowa's public land. But like all public land around the United States you are going to have to work for it, do your homework, and there is going to be set backs and frustrations along the way.

Like always, I am more than happy to help anyone who is wanting to hunt Iowa public land get pointed in the right direction.
A lot of these bills seem to be being pushed by insurance and farm bureau who make no qualms about lowering the deer herd population in Iowa. Here are my thoughts, take it for what its worth.

Hf 60 - Part of the reason Iowa is not overrun by outfitters, out of state absentee landowners and lease holders is because of the quota on nr tags. The number of outfitters, absentee landowners and lease holders could drastically increase if an outfitter, landowner or lease holder knows they will get a tag. Only 35% of the 500 reserved nr tags will be archery if i read that correctly.

sf 427 - what a f***ing joke. The maximum fine is barely/never given anyways. Its not even worth the C.O's time to right the ticket and do the paperwork for a $50 fine.

hsb 158 - I know this is a hotbutton issue. I could really care less if someone is using a crossbow during an archery season.

hf 406 - allowing the nr's to use firearms that residents can't use is not right. I don't mind using straight wall rifles, but would be opposed to using high power rifles to increase the amount of deer. Modern slug shotguns or muzzleloaders can shoot just as well as or better then a straightwalled cartridge. I am opposed to opening the late season to anything beyond what is open to now.

A quick note on Iowa's public land. I grew up hunting and fishing on Iowa's public land. I never knew any different. Iowa does not have any National Forest or BLM land. But we do have several federal wildlife refuges and US Army Corps of engineers land that is open to hunting. Iowa also has a DNR that has done very well with what they are given. Most residents of the state are within an easy drive of multiple State wildlife management areas. Iowa is working hard with private landowners on the IHAP program. And possibly the best kept secret in Iowa is the County Conservation Board System. Iowa has a county conservation board in all 99 counties who manage public land for recreation including hunting and fishing, most people would agree that the county conservation system in Iowa is the best in the country.
It is possible to take a limit of pheasants, or ducks or even shoot a boone and crockett whitetail deer on Iowa's public land. But like all public land around the United States you are going to have to work for it, do your homework, and there is going to be set backs and frustrations along the way.

Like always, I am more than happy to help anyone who is wanting to hunt Iowa public land get pointed in the right direction.

Great post. I believe the crossbow bill is basically done.
Not to be outdone Iowa is getting in on the stupid legislative bills. Yes I know we're mostly concerned with Western Hunting here but I imagine a few of you would like to come hunt whatetails here with Tiffany and Lee.

Link to the bill: HF 60
This is the bill that sets aside 500 NR either sex tags for NRs that have reservations with an outfitter, aka "business entity". Of course we don't have registered or licensed outfitters here so pretty much anyone can call them selves an outfitter. I believe this bill is out of the sub and going in front of the whole committee Monday.

Link to the bill: SF 427
This ones a real peach. It has far reaching implications for deer and deer hunting in Iowa.
Reduce fine for shooting an antlerless deer from $1500 to $50. EDIT. Reduce the restitution. There would still be fines.
Mandates a January Antlerless Season for any county with unsold doe tags and allows center fire rifles from .223 to .500.
Allow depredation tags to be filled during in September, October, November and December.
Requires DNR to conduct a deer population study to determine the estimated deer population in each county in this state. Doesn't say so but I expect it's so they can up antlerless quotas.

HSB 158. Link to the bill: Crossbow
This bill would allow the use of a crossbow in the late split of the archery season. Currently the crossbow is allowed as an alternate method of take under a late muzzle loader tag. The change would be that a crossbow could be used with an archery tag. Crossbow bills have been beaten back here year after year but Raven hired lobbyist this year and appear to be getting their $ worth. Out of Sub and going to full committee Monday.

Link to the bill: HF 406 now HF550
This bill would add shotguns and straight wall rifles to the NR holiday season. Currently the only allowed methods of take for this season are muzzleloaders, hand guns and bows (the only weapons legal at that time for resident). The non resident season runs from December 24th through January 2nd and only antlerless deer may be taken. How this one could get any traction is beyond me but it has legs. It is out of committee.

These are just a few of the trash being brought out this year. There was one that would have done away with Teal Season but it looks to have been withdrawn due to backlash. About the only time that's happened so far.
Here in Iowa DNR stands for Department of Revenue. Where politicians ignore the States Wildlife Biologists and make laws based on how much money it brings in
Fight it. Apposed bad regulations/ legislation at every turn, and while your at it set up repeatable frame work that allows you to mobilize and appose/ support future legislation.
Isn't it about time to triple the number of celebrity tags ?
They have an incentive hunt in CWD areas starting tomorrow. If you get 3 deer in a CWD area you get an extra state wide buck tag for next year. That means you could hunt early muzzleloader and shotgun season with a buck tag for each of them. you do have to have access to private land in the CWD area to participate in the CWD hunt.
Luckily I have already shot all the deer I need for this season. I don’t like the way my state of Iowa’s government rakes non residents over the coals for the cost of deer tags then complains we have too many deer. As a resident I think they should set an example for other states and raise the cost for residents and especially landowner tags and lower non residents tag fees to balance it out better. The first two land owner tags cost $2 each then they can buy more at $18 ea. What a crock!

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