Investments for kids


Oct 23, 2023
I have $4k a piece for my two children, ages 4 and 11.

I'm thinking about vanguard annuity or just a fractional share in Berkshire Hathaway. What would you suggest?

This isn't a college fund, just hoping to give them some padding in life. Thanks.
I’m with @brymoore , I’d either go with an s&p 500 or a total market index fund. You don’t want that tied up in an annuity and limit their returns with all that time they have
With time on their side an index fund as mentioned above would be safe and provide reasonable returns. Probably a better investment than say, Wyoming Moose points 🤷
Open custodial accounts at a brokerage for each of them. Vanguard, Fidelity or Schwab. Invest in S&P 500 fund and forget about it. My 2 cents. They will get control of their accounts when they become 18-21ish depending on your state. Have the dividend ls automatically reinvested
Bitcoin! ;)

Kidding. But you can't beat an s&p fund long term without a lot of effort
$1k bitcoin, $3k S&P 500 index.

I burned myself out on the crypto roller coaster and mostly cashed out with some nice wins but i'm wishin I would have gotten back in 6 months ago when my buddy was telling me to do so!
$1k bitcoin, $3k S&P 500 index.

I burned myself out on the crypto roller coaster and mostly cashed out with some nice wins but i'm wishin I would have gotten back in 6 months ago when my buddy was telling me to do so!
Ive done well with it. Its gambling, in many ways.
I have $4k a piece for my two children, ages 4 and 11.

I'm thinking about vanguard annuity or just a fractional share in Berkshire Hathaway. What would you suggest?

This isn't a college fund, just hoping to give them some padding in life. Thanks.
No annuity at that age! Vanguard S&P500 index.
I did this with my son when he was around 9. We had been teaching him to be a saver and he had racked up about $900 that he had in a savings account. The last year he had it in the savings account he earned a whopping 3 cents of interest.

We had him pick a stock to buy. His first choice was the company that made Minecraft but it is closely held and not publicly traded. Next choice was Legos but again, privately held. 3rd choice was ToyRus - also privately held and thank goodness since it went bankrupt a few years later.

His last choice was Apple and he bought 5 shares in February 2018 at $155.80 per share for $779. He's up 373% on that right now. In 2020 he decided to diversify and sold 2 shares of Apple plus added a little more money to the account and bought a single share of Google for $1,592.60. He's up 82% on that. His dog is Walmart that he bought 3 shares of and it is up 22% since he bought it.

All that to say, if you are strictly using it as a return then you really can't go wrong with an S&P 500 Index fund. If you are also wanting to use it as a learning tool, having him work through the process of picking individual stocks was pretty neat.

And they might get lucky and actually beat the S&P 500.

I have $4k a piece for my two children, ages 4 and 11.

I'm thinking about vanguard annuity or just a fractional share in Berkshire Hathaway. What would you suggest?

This isn't a college fund, just hoping to give them some padding in life. Thanks.
I started a brokerage account for my daughter when she was very little and I didn't yet have a lot to contribute. We worked together buying and selling Growth funds and stocks for the last several years. Now she manages it mostly by herself but I have to approve her trades. She's in awesome shape for a 15yo, but I believe the learning how to manage it is the real padding in life.
Simplest is sealed battle packs of 5.56. It's more liquid than gold and always appreciates.

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