intro and my first deer


Active member
Dec 14, 2010
just joined the board and figured id introduce myself. i live in sunny socal. i ride mx, hunt, fish, pretty much anything outdoors. i've done a lot of hunting, but not big game. although my dad and grandpa have done quite a bit. this year i hunted deer for the first time and came away with a pretty nice 4x4 buck. i hunted in southern utah. we have cabin in the mountains there so that makes it nice. anyway, if theres anything else you wanna know about me, just ask.

heres a pic of my first deer. it was getting dark so i didnt get too many shots, but u get the idea.
Nice deer.

When I was 15 I dreamed of moving to San Diego and riding pro motocross. I finally gave up on that dream 5 years ago, when I was 30 :)

I was fortunate enough to ride several different national motocross tracks, Washogul in WA was my favorite.
Welcome to the site and congrats on a great looking buck. I look forward to seeing more pics!
thanks guys. it was a fun time for sure. heres a lil story about the hunt. we drove up thursday night, and scouted all day friday. we went to a new spot that my pops hasnt hunted before, in the morning. we saw quite a few does, but only one buck, a small spike. a couple locals said they hadnt seen basically anything, so we headed off to the normal spot where my pops hunts. again we saw a few does, but that was it. so we headed off to scout some more spots, all with the same results. it wasnt looking to good. woke up on opening day to some descent rain. we decided to go to the normal spot, cuz they have always been successful there before. got into position just before daybreak, and then the fog rolls in. for about 4 hours i can see no more 50yds. when the fog finally lifts i head over to another ridge and see 2 does and what may be a spike running on the opposite side of the canyon about 300 yds away, but i cant really tell. the rest of the day was more of the same for me, lots of walking, with a few does here and there. my dad saw a good two point, but couldnt get on him for a shot. we saw tons of fresh tracks and sign, so that was encouraging. the next day we decided to go to the same spot, but go way back in, where no one had been. we thought for sure we would see lots of deer, but we were wrong. we didnt see anything, no tracks, nothing. about midday we decided to head to a new spot. we found what looked to be a pretty good spot, but we had never been there before. i walked across the canyon to the opposite ridge, my dad went down to the bottom, and my brother-in-law was on the opposite ridge as me. i saw quite a few does, but no bucks. just before i got to the edge of the canyon, i saw a group of 5-6 deer headed up towards me. i glass through them and think they are all does. i watch them carefully and realize the last one is a spike. after debating it for a bit, i decide to take the spike, cuz ive seen 2 bucks up to this point, and both were spikes. there was a cedar tree just in front and to the right of me, so i was gonna steady my gun on the branches. just as i get to the tree, i hear something jump up to the right of me, i look over and all i saw was antlers bounding away from me. but now i have 2 trees in front of me so i run around them and look down the hill where he went. hes facing me, looking right at me at about 100 yds and all i can see is from the neck up. i aimed a little low and squeezed the trigger, and dropped him in his tracks. my pops was so stoked when he came up and saw my buck. we hunted one more day and my dad got a shot at a nice 3x3 (i think his rack was even bigger than mine) as he was moving through the cedars, but he missed. so at least we didnt go home empty handed. he keeps telling me not to expect 4 points every time. thats why im going for a 5 pointer next year!
Caribou Gear

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