NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Interesting findings in the outdoors


Active member
Jun 8, 2007
Not close enough to Montana
Thankfully we don't have censors here, so I'm going to start this thread on our site. :D

What are interesting things you've found/seen/heard while in the outdoors? Drug labs, dead people, frolicking couples, artifacts, nudists, sasquatch, etc? :D

I'll start this off; when I got my first hunting license at 12, I was hunting in Oregon on the west side of the Cascades in a really brushy drainage that had a creek running through it. I was following a deer trail and it went down a slope and crossed the creek. When I got up the hill on the other side, I looked down the ravine and noticed something odd. I could see something wasn't quite right and when I looked closer, I could see some edges of a blue tarp covered with moss and trees -- they did a decent job with the camo because you had to take a couple extra looks to figure out what was out of place. There was PVC pipe running from the stream into a hut/cabin that was built right next to the water. I hate it when you get that spooky feeling like you're being, I high tailed it out of there. I told OSP about it but never heard of them busting this drug operation.
In my early 20's I once found a $100 bill while out quail/rabbit hunting near Bartlett Lake in Arizona. Another time, I was probably about 14, my boy scout troop took some canoes across Bartlett and than went for a hike. We had split into a couple of groups and there was 4 of us together. We came up over a little hill and down in the creek bottom about 50 yards away there was a couple doing the horizontal mambo. I think that was the precise moment that I became a man!
Before I could even hunt I would go with my dad and grandpa on deer hunts and ride behind them on the saddle of the horses. I had a nice little sling shot I was given for my birthday I think and took it on a deer hunt in case any grouse came along that I could fling a rock at. Well, I was in the saddle with the sling shot slung over the horn and some time later I noticed it was gone. About 10 years later I was in the same area looking at the wreckage of a plane that went down in the 70's and wouldn't you know it - I look down and found the very same wrist rocket I had lost so many years ago. Weathered and worn out but I found it. I don't know where it is now though, dang it!

We came across some nudy sun-bathers on the NF of the Boise River about 5 years ago. We had hiked in about 5-6 miles fishing each hole and on our way out we scared a gal as she was squatting only to see a sausage fest and gals who really should have kept their clothes on at the next swimming hole. I'm glad I fished it on the way up! I'm surprised those fatties made it in there anyway. Freaks!
I was squirrel hunting back in my teens and as I went through a large pine forest I found a Nabisco Horse drawn wagon. It had the floor, sides and the roof that was flat and towards the fron made a curve upwards and arched foward and down. You could still faintly make out the painting of Nabisco on the side. Whenever I was hunting and it started to rain, I would go there and sit out the rain. The wagon was surrounded by huge Pines. That area was clear cut many years ago, I always like to think they notified someone and got it out of there intact. John
A couple of plane crash sites, some fossilized clam shells, old cartridges, old foundations and fish ponds in a long-deserted townsite in the mountains, a old Jim Beam bottle with the cork stopper, - just the normal stuff.
Landing gear, melted metal, electrical switches/connections, chunks and in one case a sonewhat intact fuselage. One was a WWII bomber that flew into the side of Mt San Gorgonio and pretty much self-detructed. The other was a pre-WWII mail plane. The bodies and mail had already been recovered.

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