In todays paper here in TwinFalls.....


New member
Nov 24, 2003
Fish & Game set big game regulations for 2004
JEROME -- Magic Valley hunters can look forward to a longer general deer season, a new traditional muzzleloader hunt, and a new general archery antelope season this fall.

Because of good fawn recruitment and improved buck to doe ratios the Commission decided to extend the general season by five days, from Oct. 5 to Oct. 24 in hunting Units 48 and 49.

Deer seasons in Unit 56, the Sublett area southeast of Burley, were also changed giving sportsmen the opportunity to enjoy a 5-day any-buck season. The any-buck hunt will start Oct. 5 and end Oct. 9. A general two-point season will follow from Oct. 10 to Oct. 19.

Both the controlled youth and the late season controlled buck hunts were dropped to allow the first general any-buck hunting season in Unit 56 since 1990.

The Unit 45 unlimited controlled muzzleloader hunt, north of Bliss, was replaced with an unlimited controlled traditional muzzleloader hunt in a portion of Unit 52.

Sportsmen hunting this unit will need to use round-ball and patch, loose powder, with a muzzleloader that has an exposed hammer that pivots. Motorized vehicle restrictions also apply to anyone hunting in a traditional muzzleloader hunt.

Bow hunters looking for a new opportunity to pursue antelope will have the chance in Units 44, 48 and 52. Because of increasing antelope numbers, commissioners voted to expand hunting opportunity.

Other season changes, include:

* Motorized vehicle regulations will be implemented this season in Units 45, 52, 53, and 56.

* Hunters will see an increase in antlerless deer permits in Units 43, 44, 49, and 52 and increased youth hunt tags in both the northern and southern hunts.

* The spike elk season in the Bennett Zone was shortened and will run from Nov. 1 to Nov. 9.

* Elk permits in Unit 43 were reduced from 1,320 to 810 permits; 250 cow permits, 335 bull permits, and 225 either sex elk permits.

The 2004-2005 big game regulations are expected to be out to the public by the end of April. Sportsmen are urged to pick up a copy the regulations and familiarize themselves with the areas they will be hunting.
My guess is that Unit 56 will probably have more hunters per square mile than deer. With ATV restrictions now in place for 56, the road hunters are going to have some fierce competition come hunting season!! Hold on to your hats cuz' it's going to be a wild ride!!!
Good to see some places going to traditional-only blackpowder seasons. CO DOW succumbed to pressure and went back to allowing in-lines when they tried to switch a few years ago.

Because of good fawn recruitment I wasn't aware that FAWNS were recruited, I thought they were conceived and born. LOL

Didnt you know that we recruit all our deer from utah!! Thats why everyone on complains about there being no deer left in Utardville! LOL!
