PEAX Equipment

Image Hosting Site

Open a photo, click the share icon, click get shareable link.

I want an embeddable
I want an embeddable link or similar that I can upload to here...similar to photobucket.[/QUOTE]

This is what I was hoping for too, and am not finding. That direct embedding link was very handy.
Crap, and here I thought photobucket was the shitz. fine for this low tech one finger keyboard novice.
Here is a workaround. Albeit a PITA.

1.Open your photo in Google Photos. Right Click on it and choose "Inspect Element"
2.The HTML will appear in the bottom, in the highlighted section is the Direct Link to that image. It will be right after the "src=".
3. Paste that link inside the BBcode that hunt talk uses (
). Don't use the parentheses, I just used those so you can see the BBcode

Your image will then display.

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Flickr gives you the code to post in forums... Go to share, select a medium size (so that they don't explode the threads - enormous photos are annoying to scroll through) and then copy the bbcode. Paste it in your post and that's it.

Gives you lots of storage, plenty of people here on HT use flickr too.
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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