Im bowing out

Just Remember currency with nothing backing it is what starts wars when the deck of cards stats to get shaking. And it's shaking
Yet during the last 50 yrs with most countries off gold standard the planet has seen the smallest amount of warfare in recorded history. But like any doomsday predictions, the fact that the world didn’t end today just makes it more likely it will tomorrow in the eyes of the believer.
Yet during the last 50 yrs with most countries off gold standard the planet has seen the smallest amount of warfare in recorded history. But like any doomsday predictions, the fact that the world didn’t end today just makes it more likely it will tomorrow in the eyes of the believer.
I'm sorry I didn't say the world was going to end. As for the world's smallest amount of wars in the last 50 yrs I don't know about that. Seems to me wars never stopped. Please give me a time frame when the world was at peace? War is usually started over some one or country that wants what some else's has. Money with out a gold or silver or something backing it is just paper. In fact that is exactly what our currant money is. Their was a time you could go to the bank and ask to change your paper bill for actual gold. So if money isn't wealth what is. Land, oil, coal, water, timber, minerals oh yeah natural resources. That's what country's fight over not paper. Other country's get pissed off when one country gives them paper for their natural resources and says it's money take it or I'll bomb you.
I am curious as to the career fields that the people are in that have these $500k plus mortgages and 2 car payments and student loan debt? I make good money but don't see myself signing any papers with a promise to pay back that kind of money anytime soon.
I ask myself that all summer long when I see people who appear to be in the late 20s or young 30s pulling into our small town that is mostly second homes with a new ford 250 diesel and a 25’ wakeboarding boat followed by their wife with a brand new suburban pulling a sxs for the kids to drive around town.
I ask myself that all summer long when I see people who appear to be in the late 20s or young 30s pulling into our small town that is mostly second homes with a new ford 250 diesel and a 25’ wakeboarding boat followed by their wife with a brand new suburban pulling a sxs for the kids to drive around town.
This is always a reminder to me (33) that I obviously chose my career field poorly 😂. I know a lot of people that fit what you described and most don’t have crazy income, they just aren’t as debt adverse as I am personally. Not bashing on anyone for their personal financial decisions but I don’t see how that plays out great as you edge closer to retirement
I am curious as to the career fields that the people are in that have these $500k plus mortgages and 2 car payments and student loan debt? I make good money but don't see myself signing any papers with a promise to pay back that kind of money anytime soon.
A top 20% salary is $100,000 or over, 10% of households make over 200k.

So something like 30 million + people.

If there are 100 people responding to this thread and HT is representative of the nation then 1 person is making over a million a year, 5 people like 500k, 10 people over 200k and 20 people over 100k.
I ask myself that all summer long when I see people who appear to be in the late 20s or young 30s pulling into our small town that is mostly second homes with a new ford 250 diesel and a 25’ wakeboarding boat followed by their wife with a brand new suburban pulling a sxs for the kids to drive around town.
She’s a geologist he’s a dentist, together they make 400k.
A top 20% salary is $100,000 or over, 10% of households make over 200k.

So something like 30 million + people.

If there are 100 people responding to this thread and HT is representative of the nation then 1 person is making over a million a year, 5 people like 500k, 10 people over 200k and 20 people over 100k.
I guess it comes down to being ok with debt. I personally don't enjoy making payments to CC and vehicle company's so I save till I can pay cash. Not that there is anything wrong with people having debt. Everyone enjoys things differently. Idk if the stats you listed are accurate if so I fall into the top 20% and am still mind bogeled at the 500k home and new boats and news cars and side by sides. But like I say everyone enjoys things differently.
She’s a geologist he’s a dentist, together they make 400k.
Math still sucks in that scenario, well over $200k in depreciating assets just at the lake. Probably an over priced mortgage, student loans from dental school, and kids in private school 😂
I guess it comes down to being ok with debt. I personally don't enjoy making payments to CC and vehicle company's so I save till I can pay cash. Not that there is anything wrong with people having debt. Everyone enjoys things differently. Idk if the stats you listed are accurate if so I fall into the top 20% and am still mind bogeled at the 500k home and new boats and news cars and side by sides. But like I say everyone enjoys things differently.
But when that couple dies they got to have a boat at the lake and you didn’t… and you don’t take your assets or debt with you.

So I mean, why die at $1MM when you could die with -$3MM and make everyone else fund your fun.
I am curious as to the career fields that the people are in that have these $500k plus mortgages and 2 car payments and student loan debt? I make good money but don't see myself signing any papers with a promise to pay back that kind of money anytime soon.
There is a record >$10 trillion in home equity - debt in the US.
Folks from California and Washington state discovered during the pandemic that they could work remotely, escape the high taxes of those states, sell their houses and move and pay cash for McMansions built in the Rocky Mountains.

Others are dual income, no kids...when there was a low interest rate of 3.0% monthly payments would be $2,108 on a $500,000 mortgage.
She’s a geologist he’s a dentist, together they make 400k.
I used to think the same, until I started to notice how thin people will spread themselves with debt.

In all reality he's probably a foreman on a construction site, and she's in HR. They take home $150k a year combined and pushing their debt to income ratio to 50%+
+1, all day, every day, & twice on Sunday

#2 - on the occasion that banks call notes on even part of your 5m debt (which they could) you probably can’t liquidate it fast enough to save your a** and almost certainly not for full value
But then you park you assets offshore and declare bankruptcy.
Higher interest rates slows the economy down. Business don't borrow money to expand. Some business go out of business.
People lose jobs they can't pay for their homes they go up for short sales. I'll I'm saying is their is opportunities in a down turn in the economy if you haven't put your self into huge debt. If you have money saved up you are in a good position to take advantages. Don't get so complex about stuff.
Looking at the recession graph compared to housing sales that SAA-06 posted above indicates that we have an economic correction/recession every 5-12 years. I agree if a person had capital money, gold, silver, etc they could do pretty well during a down period buying land, backhoes, homes, etc.
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