Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

If you drive around the west without mudflaps

The manufactures should have enough foresight to add a couple pieces of plastic and rubber, especially when considering it's a safety issue. My main gripe seems to be with stock vehicles and the lack of flaps rolling off the lot.

On the flip side, If you don't have them already, it's simply common courtesy to add them.

I guess i cant comment on the source of your problem in the Denver area but I don't run mudflaps. Dont really know that many that do, regardless of the size of their truck. A few of the folks that decide to spend their excess cash on lifts, exhaust, computer chips, chrome door handles and other dangly crap on their trucks do but its not out of courtesy but rather one more place to run more chrome junk. Quite a few of the oil field folks run mudflaps but they are doing that for the sake of their trailers not to help out other drivers. I find that the mud falling off the flaps while they are running down I80 is the biggest source of the problem for me. I just live with the cracks until i cant anymore. About one windshield a year on average. I know its not colder in Denver than RS so I assume your tolerance is lower than mine. The 2" minus that WyDOT uses to sand the roads does not help but its better than nothing.
Reminds me of the Big Fin episode hunting in WY. He gets a railroad spike in his tire and takes it to the local shop. The shop owner says "that's the third one I've seen today."
I wonder if the shop owner forgot to mention he was out there earlier in the week, dispersing railroad spikes. 😬

Potato and beet harvest season comes every year in my neck of the woods. You mightswell just go out and hit your window with a hammer and save yourself the suspense
The manufactures should have enough foresight to add a couple pieces of plastic and rubber, especially when considering it's a safety issue. My main gripe seems to be with stock vehicles and the lack of flaps rolling off the lot.

On the flip side, If you don't have them already, it's simply common courtesy to add them.
I'll get mudflaps when you obey speed limits. Deal?
I smell a speed checker. No deal. I'm a big fan of my method of getting down 285. I gear down to 3rd, drive 5mph over the limit and never tap the brakes once. Makes for a clincher on icy days but how fun it is.

I'll get mudflaps when you obey speed limits. Deal?
All of you cracked up window guys must live in places that are sane enough not to require a yearly state inspection sticker. That’s part of the game here, finding an inspection shop that will look the other way if you promise to get the crack fixed “soon”. Soon is a relative term! Thankfully we’ve recently been given the option of a 2-year inspection sticker so we can get further along before the government steps in and tries to save us from our own negligence.
All of you cracked up window guys must live in places that are sane enough not to require a yearly state inspection sticker. That’s part of the game here, finding an inspection shop that will look the other way if you promise to get the crack fixed “soon”. Soon is a relative term! Thankfully we’ve recently been given the option of a 2-year inspection sticker so we can get further along before the government steps in and tries to save us from our own negligence.
specsions,we don't need no stinking specsions,we NM!
Daily driving here is avoiding sailing rocks from all directions , even in the chitty.
I had just drove off the lot with my new/used truck with a new windshield,heading to aaa for insurance a mile away. Never made it with said new windshield. Got a nice star 2 blocks away.
Got a month once on my Tacoma new windshield, before I got a star.
I don't have mud flaps. The problem with having them is if you drive down a wet dirt road in eastern Montana the mud will cake on those flaps so bad it will become a permanent part of your truck. I'm not sure the flaps would stop the windshield from catching rocks. It would probably reduce a few, but I have caught one from a semi that was a little ahead of me in the lane next to me and he had flaps. It is all luck.

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