Caribou Gear

Idaho Cow Elk Unit 66 (November 1-15): Advice Needed

In November, the elk are starting to move from the east side of the unit towards tex creek wildlife area. My best luck was tracking the day after a snow storm. It doesn't take much snow to start the cows moving, 4-5 inches is enough. There was a non-motorized area on the east side of 66. Walk up the trail the day after a storm until you hit fresh tracks then follow them up. I was able to take 3 elk in 3 years within 1/2 mile of each other this way. As others have mentioned, the roads can be horrible. Tire chains are really good to have along. Good luck!---R
Got my butt handed to me in 66 in 2019. Went in blind and it took me until the last 2 days to figure it out. Got close but no cigar. Coulda killed the heck outta cows and grouse. Carry a slingshot to kill grouse is my best advice.
Grouse has to be my favorite camp food. I'll try to remember the sling shot. Thank you everyone for all the info. I was wondering if anyone has any info or good Muley Buck stories from the area. After all I've got one of those tags in my pocket. I remember hearing as a kid that the bucks along the snake outta 66 were huge. Anyone remember? Or is it still a great unit for bucks?
Grouse has to be my favorite camp food. I'll try to remember the sling shot. Thank you everyone for all the info. I was wondering if anyone has any info or good Muley Buck stories from the area. After all I've got one of those tags in my pocket. I remember hearing as a kid that the bucks along the snake outta 66 were huge. Anyone remember? Or is it still a great unit for bucks?
My buddy had a buck tag, we only saw a few small bucks. I was looking for elk snd it was his first time hunting deer in the mountains so take that for what it’s worth. We didn’t spend much time down along the river though.
There are a fair number of resident elk, and as stated lots of migratory once weather hits. I can't reiterate enough how slick that place can be. We got 3/4" of rain overnight and I'm sure the road past HQ is toast for a while. There's no shortage of people and stock, wear orange and identify your target isn't one of Beau's Llamas.
How was your hunt? I see no one replied.. I am looking at hunting that general area next fall.
In unit 66; Try hunting the Southwest side of road 086, left hand side and about 1.5 miles in. You'll take access road 087 and turn north onto 086 at the ranger house with corrals. Along the top of the mountain there are a series of natural springs where elk like to hide. In unit 66A; you will want to hunt road 188 on the south side of access road 087. Elk like to come and go from the Grays Lake Wildlife Refuge.
In unit 66; Try hunting the Southwest side of road 086, left hand side and about 1.5 miles in. You'll take access road 087 and turn north onto 086 at the ranger house with corrals. Along the top of the mountain there are a series of natural springs where elk like to hide. In unit 66A; you will want to hunt road 188 on the south side of access road 087. Elk like to come and go from the Grays Lake Wildlife Refuge.
Welcome to HT. We need to talk.
In unit 66; Try hunting the Southwest side of road 086, left hand side and about 1.5 miles in. You'll take access road 087 and turn north onto 086 at the ranger house with corrals. Along the top of the mountain there are a series of natural springs where elk like to hide. In unit 66A; you will want to hunt road 188 on the south side of access road 087. Elk like to come and go from the Grays Lake Wildlife Refuge.
@Bill Christy …that information is too specific to put out that where everyone can see. PM instead
P.M. me if you're interested in how we did. My son got a spike bull. I'll be back in 2024 but moving to a neighboring unit for Mulies.

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