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I upset a feminist

Yup, I do it. My new truck I call Karen because she is always digging in.

To be fair I also have a few firearms with male names.

My old Toyota is named Yoda. Is that disparaging to aliens?
How brazen of that woman to assume the car identified as something other than a she/her!!

Imagine being so unhappy in your life you have to go around and interject your $.02 in other peoples conversations about gender identity. Now imagine being so dumb you get upset when someone doesn't take it heart. Painful I know, but they walk amongst us.

It is still amazing to me how many places only offer male/female in the "gender" section.
All kinds of things, cars, guns, countertops, mountains, Cnc machines.. I can’t even have a conversation with people like that, I usually just laugh. I’ll stop doing it when feminists compel the bulls of the Rocky Mountains to go quiet in September.
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You've just had an encounter with a mentally ill woman, is all. It'll probably happen again, they're proliferating through society at breakneck speed. Kudos on keeping your cool. Just like running into a bear in the wild, it's the proper way to handle the situation.
I refer to things as he or she all the time, cars, boats, guns, mountains (though often with a derogatory adjective if it’s particularly steep & nasty). The vast majority are feminine, only a few studs. I googled the studebaker, you win the internet today😂
1951 Studebacker Manta Ray... that's funny

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:ROFLMAO:. Very well played April. If she had a "full set" she would have simply said "touche"

The Confusion is real.....For you dear April
, I had not heard it before, but it does fit this thread perfectly ;)

We do use the word "she" when referring to planes, boats, guns, even the weather or when just looking at the mountains, rivers, etc--- MOTHER nature.

And, whether speaking to a female or male, we do refer to having a "full set" sometimes when talking about the possibility of a bear encounter going south on us.
Yes, if I do genderize an inanimate object (which is rare) it seems to be feminine. Not sure why. More out of respect I think. Guess I'm old fashioned because I think opening a door for a lady doesn't show any kind of deference one way or the other but rather admiration. I admit I almost never opened the door for my late wife. She was very tiny (4'10" and 80 lbs) and quite selfconscious about it. She always wanted to do things for herself as much as possible and I tried to respect that. We were a team even though I was over a foot taller and a hundred pounds heavier.
Quite often, myself. Never thought it would "upset" someone like that but nowadays anything is subject to criticism. Have to admit, you were pretty quick being able to come up with that being put on the spot as you were. I had an idea what it was and the picture confirmed it!
She didn't expect me to contradict her and she got visibly upset, stood up and walked over to me and said " what car do you invasion as a he ?" I told her I always though of a man when I saw the 1951 Studebacker Manta Ray. She immediately was on her phone looking it up and then said in a very sarcastic manner "cute, real cute " and they left.

Perhaps the uber masculine allusion affronted semitic sensitivities. I always thought that model needed a center dash mount steering wheel.

(ducks for cover)
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