I just could not hold my tung this time


New member
Sep 6, 2014
I sent a letter to the editor of our stupid little news paper today.
It just wrecked my breakfast when I read it.
Here is the letter.

"I normally let Misprints I find in the paper just go as a misprint .


I just can't this time, sorry.

The recent fire at our shooting complex Is a very bad deal and I don't want to diminish that fact.

The way you reported it was very misleading in my opinion .

The report "A bullet ricocheted into a wheat field. A small

fire was ignited by the stray bullet".

The fact of a fire is not disputed. BUT a lead, or copper clad bullet can't start a fire...That's just Bogus!

An allusion straight from Hollywood.

To make a spark there has to be a ferrous metal involved. Like a steel bullet , or iron backer board support ,even at that the spark only occurs at the point of impact.

NOT out in a wheat field.

On occasion a lead/copper bullet will cause a spark if it hits a very heavy steel backer board but there again AT THE POINT OF IMPACT.

How the fire started ?

But it could not have been from a ricocheting bullet."

Am I wrong?
I know tracers can start fires. And I'm not sure all bullets are copper or lead. Some might have a jacket that could start a fire. Finally, I suppose there is some remote possibility that some partially burned powder or filler could end up tagging along for the ride but I doubt it. But you never know what re-loaders are up to in their garage. Anyway, I'm not a physics expert. I just like to yak on the interwebs. On the other hand, I have heard that the laws of physics fly out the window in combat and car accidents. :D
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If the bullet was to get hot enough from friction of the ricochet it could start a fire with out a spark. Not a physics guy but it would seam highly unlikely to me.
Saying anything is impossible usually gets you in trouble at some point, but it is HIGHLY, HIGHLY unlikely that a bullet could cause a fire-except in the minds of idiots!
Saying anything is impossible usually gets you in trouble at some point, but it is HIGHLY, HIGHLY unlikely that a bullet could cause a fire-except in the minds of idiots!

Yeah, but with my 100 caliber single action automatic assault revolver pistol, it's could happen.
We have a shooting range on BLM land here locally, fires are started there 2-3 times per year by shooters. I think it is possible given the right conditions.
Caribou Gear

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