I attract problem animals.............


New member
Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming
Well it seems like I attract problem animals. two years ago I filled my bear tag from my deck. I thought that was pretty cool. :D

This afternoon, Michele calls me and says to come home because Game & Fish was here. Well I was only a mile down the road, and for that mile, I kept wondering WTF did I do wrong! Half way home, two G&F people were parked on the side of the road. Once I was able to see the driveway, I could see a G&F truck parked in the drive. I parked got out and they wanted me to give them permission to shoot a problem bull Bison that was in the yard. They have been getting complaints about this bull for 3 years and it has become very aggressive to people walking and jogging. Last year it would not let the people we caretake for out of the house. I called the owner and let G&F talk to them and they said to go ahead it shoot it on the property. Not 5 min. later, we were out in the yard and POW!!!, one bull bison laying on it's side at the edge of the pond in the yard. Guestimate weight 1500 pounds.

Too tired right now to put up the pics I took, but will have them up no later than tomorrow morning.
Here are the pics of one downed buffalo. The meat is going to be donated.

Here are the rest of the pics.

Wow, the biggest thing I've shot off my deck is pocket gophers! And... maybe a paintball or two at the neighbors dog.
Is it just because it is laying down or is that bison a bit on the scrawny side?

Wyoming sure is the place for fascinating animal encounters. Had a couple myself when I lived there.

Thanks for sharing the pics.
Didn't have time tuff. When G&F got off the phone with the owner, I ended up on the phone with the owner. Got off the phone, went outside just in time to see the officer shoot it. I don't think they would have let me shoot it anyway.
We have the same deal around our neighbourhood each fall when the apples's are all ripe. Bears from all directions start coming in. Before work I would idle down to Tim Horton's and the Conservation Officer would either be driving around looking for the fruit eating culprits or dragging a dead one off of someones lawn (I only saw him doin that once but there's about 10 bears each fall getting shot in our small neighbourhood by the CO), and I don't think he would let me help him shoot any on my way to get coffees!LOL.
That is way to cool Bill....
To bad you didn't run out there with your gun, jammies and slippers then had a pic taken, then it would have been almost as good as that bear you got.. :D

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